Investigation on thespecies of booklice breeding in the stored Chinese root-stock medicinal materials
中文关键词:  储藏中药材  昆虫  书虱  孳生密度  孳生指数
英文关键词:stored Chinese traditional root-stock medicinal materials  insect  booklice  breeding density  breeding index
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      本研究从安徽淮南采集储藏根茎类中药材样本共30种,采用直接镜检法和光照驱虫法分离其中孳生的书虱,光镜下鉴定书虱种类并计数。结果表明,30份样本中书虱的孳生率为933%(28/30),检获的书虱为嗜卷书虱(Liposcelis bostrychophila Motschulsky,1852);该书虱年平均孳生密度为57头/克,孳生指数为142。本研究表明安徽淮南部分储藏根茎类中药材有书虱孳生,在中药材储藏和加工过程中应注意书虱的防制。
      A total of 30 samples of the root-stock medicinal herbs were collected from the herbal storehouses and pharmacies in areas of Huainan The booklice which were isolated with directicopy and redricopy were identified and counted under the light microscope The results show that the booklice were identified in 28 of the 30 samples (933%), and represented as (Liposcelis bostrychophila Motschulsky, 1852). Annual breeding density was 57 heads/g and breeding index arrived at 142 The investigation show than booklice infestation appears serious in parts of the Chinese traditional root-stock medicinal materials in Huainan areas This condition entails positive prevention and control of the booklice breeding in storage and processing of the semi-finished herbs
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