Occurrence, distribution and population dynamic of Conogethes punctiferalis in Guangdong, China
中文关键词:  桃蛀螟  分布  发生情况  种群动态  广东
英文关键词:Conogethes punctiferalis  distribution  occurrence  population dynamic  Guangdong province
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      桃蛀螟Conogethes punctiferalis (Guenée)是一种多食性的蛀果害虫,近年来其发生危害日趋加重。本研究通过田间调查,探究了桃蛀螟在广东的发生情况、分布及其种群动态。结果表明,广东桃蛀螟发生主要集中在粤东地区的河源市以及粤北地区的清远和韶关市,并在上述地区的板栗和鹰嘴蜜桃上发生严重危害,该虫在珠三角地区零星发生,在粤西、梅州和潮汕地区则尚未发生危害。除板栗和鹰嘴蜜桃外,受桃蛀螟为害的作物还有三华李、水晶梨、荔枝、龙眼、杨桃、向日葵和甜玉米,但受害较轻。桃蛀螟成蛾在广东河源一年有5个发生高峰,并以幼虫于11月下旬至翌年3月上旬越冬。
      The peach pyralid moth, Conogethes punctiferalis is a polyphagous insect pest which bores the fruits, and appears to have made more and more damage in recent years A survey was conducted on the occurrence, distribution and population dynamic of C punctiferalis in Guangdong, China The moth occurred mainly in Heyuan located in the east region of Guangdong and Qingyuan and Shaoguan located in the north region of Guangdong, and made serious damage to chestnut and Yingzui peach The occurrence of the moth in pearl river delta was more lower, and no infestation was observed in the west region, Meizhou and Chaozhou-shantou region of Guangdong Nine species of crops infested by C punctiferalis were found, which were chestnut, Yingzui peach, Sanhua plum, Suisho pear, litchi, longan, carambola, helianthus and sweet corn Since the emergence of adult showed 5 peaks a year in Heyuan and overwintered as larvae during Nov to Mar next year.
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