The development and the use of pneumatic control for agricultural pests
中文关键词:  气流控制  气流动力  捕虫机  农业害虫  旋风
英文关键词:pneumatic control  pneumatic energy  insect collector  agricultural insect pests  cyclone
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      The pneumatic control technique consists of using moving air to eliminate insects from crops. Insect collectors are the mechanical devices that using the pneumatic control technique make airstream to dislodge, kill and collect insect pests to be protected crops. It is no pollution, no residue, no harm to human body health, little harm to soil microorganisms that insect collectors control insect pests in potato, sweet potato, eggplant, chives, strawberries, tea tree and etc. Progress in research on the development and the use of pneumatic control of agricultural insect pests is described, including the basic principle, development and application, limitations and future prospects. It is hoped to provide reference for this new technology to be developed and used in prevention and control of agricultural pests in China.
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