Study on distribution pattern of Bemisia tabaci MED (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) in cotton fields with different planting patterns
中文关键词:  烟粉虱  种植模式  边缘效应  水平分布  垂直分布
英文关键词:Bemisia tabaci  planting pattern  edge effect  horizontal distribution  vertical distribution
基金项目:国家自然科学基金重点项目(30930062);国家重点研究发展计划(“973”计划)项目(2009CB119220);公益性行业(农业)科研专项(201303024-04, 201303019-02)
摘要点击次数: 1047
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      2012年在河北廊坊通过调查作物围种和作物间作两种不同种植模式棉田中烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci(Gennnadius)MED隐种的分布情况得知,烟粉虱在棉花植株上的垂直分布型为聚集分布,上部和中部叶具有比下部叶较多的烟粉虱种群密度。烟粉虱在棉田中的水平分布情况为:未成熟虫期种群在样地中央和样地边缘种群密度无显著差异,在整个发生期属均匀分布;成虫种群在主要发生期围种模式棉田中样地中央的种群密度显著高于样地边缘的种群密度,属于聚集分布,主要分布于样地中央,在整个发生期种群也主要聚集于样地中央分布;而间作模式棉田样地中央和样地边缘的种群密度无显著差异属于均匀分布。说明围种模式在增加了样地边缘的植物物种多样性对烟粉虱成虫的水平分布有较大影响,通过改变种植模式能显著影响烟粉虱成虫在棉田的分布。
      A systematic field survey of the whitefly Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) MED was conducted on cotton fields under two different planting patterns, monoculture with a cropping planted around the perimeter, and intercropping with the same crops, at Langfang, Hebei Province, in 2012.The within-plant distribution was uneven: the upper and middle parts of the cotton plant supported higher population densities than lower ones, forming a clumped distribution.The within-plot horizontal distribution of B.tabaci immatures was uniform; there were no differences between the edge and the center of the fields during the whole season.Densities of adults B.tabaci were higher in the center than in the edge of fields in all of the perimeter treatments during the main activity season.Considering the whole season, adults were mostly present in the center of the field in a clumped distribution.The population densities in all of the intercropping patterns were not significantly different between the edge and the center of the cotton fields and it was belong to uniform distribution during whole sample season.Planting crops around cotton fields increased plant diversity at the edge of cotton fields and influenced the horizontal distribution of adults whitefly population.The distributions of adults population were significantly influenced by changing planting pattern in cotton field
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