Study and application of smoke agent controlling stored grain pests[WT]
中文关键词:  速灭威  残杀威  氯氰菊酯  敌百虫  烟剂  活性
英文关键词:metolcarb  propoxur  cypermethrin  trichlorfon  smoke  activity
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      针对仓库上部害虫难于消灭的问题,本项目组研制了速灭威、残杀威、氯氰菊酯和敌百虫农药的烟剂,测定了4种烟剂对储粮害虫谷蠹、玉米象的杀虫活性。结果表明:烟剂点燃后产生大量白色烟云,均匀分散。烟剂的燃点大于180℃,当助剂中燃料(统糠)和氧化剂(硝酸铵)的质量比为3∶〖KG-*2〗1时,配制的烟剂燃烧稳定无明火。5%速灭威-敌百虫、25%残杀威-氯氰菊酯在用量为5 g/m3时对玉米象及其抗性品系(磷化氢抗性,下同)、谷蠹及其抗性品系30 min的校正死亡率均在90%以上;粮仓应用5%速灭威-敌百虫、2.5%残杀威-氯氰菊酯烟剂用量在60 g/m3时密闭72 h对玉米象及其抗性品系、谷蠹及其抗性品系校正死亡率均在90%以上,用量为45 g/m3时对玉米象及其抗性品系校正死亡率均在90%以上。该烟剂储存稳定,安全可靠,具有良好的应用前景。
      Aiming at the problem of upper pest of the warehouse to eliminate difficultly, four kinds of propoxur or metolcarb or cypermethrin and trichlorfon pesticide smoke agents are developed about the project team,smoked agents on the insecticidal activity of stored grain insect Rhyzopertha dominica, Sitophilus zeamais prepared were determined. The results show that:the fumigant ignited to produce a large number of white clouds,the effective material is evenly dispersed. The test results show that the smoke agent storage stability, ignition temperature higher than 180 ℃,when the auxiliary fuel (chaff) and oxidant (ammonium nitrate) with mass ratio of 3∶〖KG-*2〗1,preparation of the smoke agent combustion stability without fire, The mortality was above 90% applying 5% MTMC-trichlorfon and 25% propoxur-cypermethrin in dosage 5 g/m3 of Maize weevil and resistant strain(phosphine resistance,hereinafter the same) or Rhizopertha dominica and resistant strain min was 30. The barn 5% MTMC-trichlorfon and 25% propoxur-cypermethrin smoke agent at 60 g/m3 closed 72 h to the maize weevil and resistant strain,Rhizopertha dominica and resistant strain effect is the mortality was above 90%,dosage of 45 g/m3 positive rate of maize weevil and resistant strain effect was more than 90%,the product is safe and reliable,and has a good application prospect.
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