The study on the Tenebrio molitor in the different feed proportions of bubble degradation rate
中文关键词:  黄粉虫  泡沫降解率  生长发育
英文关键词:Tenebrio molitor  bubble degradability  grow up
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      为降低塑料泡沫的污染,探索在不影响黄粉虫Tenebrio molitor L.正常生长发育情况下的最大泡沫降解率。组建了黄粉虫在泡沫与麸皮的质量比为(1∶10),(1∶8),(1∶6),(1∶4),(1∶2)五种不同饲料配比下对泡沫的降解情况分析表,结果表明,黄粉虫在泡沫饲料比为 (1∶6)时泡沫的降解率最大,可达 74.21%,且此时的生长发育情况与空白对照组持平,而在泡沫饲料比为 1∶4 时只有 35.86% ,(1∶10),(1∶8),(1∶2)下分别为 45.58% ,49.26% ,37.24% 。泡沫降解率与虫的增重量都随泡沫占的比重的增加呈抛物线趋势,在(1∶6)时达最大,此后下降。分析得出结论,黄粉虫的泡沫饲料比为 1∶6 时既不影响黄粉虫生长且泡沫降解最优。 
      In order to reduce pollution from foam plastics and explore the maximum foam degradation rate that does not affect the normal growth and development of the Tenebrio molitor,we set up a scientific mass proportioning of foam and bran of the Tenebrio molitor by five different feed composition (1∶10), (1∶8), (1∶6), (1∶4), (1∶2) for foam degradation analysis table.These figures showed that the Tenebrio molitorin degradation of the bubble feed ratio of 1:6 rate the largest ultimately degradability, up to 74.211%.And at the same time,the growth development situation is blance with blank controlled group flat.In bubble feed ratio of 1 ∶4, the ultimately degradability is only 35855%.And under the ratio of (1∶10), (1∶8), (1∶2), it rates 45.579%,49.262% and 37.235%.The foam decomposition rate and the increasing weight of T.molitorare both in parabolic trend with the increase of foam proportion, and they come to the maximum at ratio 1 ∶〖KG-*3〗6.After this point,it declinedAccording to analysing,we could come to a summerise: the T. molitor's foam feed at the ratio of 1∶6 does not affect the growth of the T.molitorand the foam degradation comes to the best lever
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