Oviposition selection of Oryctes rhinoceros among different host stems
中文关键词:  二疣犀甲  产卵选择  寄主茎干  产卵基质
英文关键词:Oryctes rhinoceros  oviposition selection  rotten material of host stem  substrate for laying eggs
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      在室内采用选择行为方法,研究了二疣犀甲Oryctes rhinoceros(Linnaeus)对不同寄主茎干的产卵选择行为。结果表明,二疣犀甲对不同腐烂状态椰子茎干的产卵选择性具有明显差异,其中以半腐烂状态的茎干对二疣犀甲的产卵引诱效果最强,单雌产卵数和孵化率分别为27.06粒和87.41%,其次为完全腐烂的茎干,而健康茎干的引诱效果最差。5种不同棕榈植物的半腐烂茎干对二疣犀甲的产卵诱集结果表明,二疣犀甲在椰子和油棕茎干上的产卵量最高且差异不显著。而在不同椰子品种半腐烂茎干之间,二疣犀甲优先选择香水椰子和海南高种椰子茎干腐烂物产卵,单雌产卵量分别为28.14粒和24.25粒。在不同原因造成的死亡椰子茎干中,二疣犀甲优先选择台风折断死亡的茎干产卵,其次为染虫死亡茎干,最后为感病死亡茎干。少量的二疣犀甲幼虫粪便能诱集成虫在寄主上产卵,在粪便比例为25%时,对二疣犀甲成虫产卵诱集效果最强,单雌产卵量最高,达到34.67粒,之后随着粪便在产卵基质中比例的增加,二疣犀甲的产卵行为逐渐受到抑制,产卵量减少。
      Oviposition selection of Oryctes rhinoceros among different host stem was studied in laboratory.The results showed that O.rhinoceros had the highest oviposition preference to half-rotting stems among coconut stem with different rotting state(fecundity per female and hatching rate were 27.06 and 87.41%), followed by fully-rotting and normal stem; Among 5 different palm stems, O.rhinoceros selected coconut and oil palm stems firstly with non-significantly difference; Among different variety coconut stems, Aromatica green dwarf and coconut Hainan tall were more attractive than others, and fecundity per female were 28.14 and 24.25.O.rhinocerosshowed best oviposition preference and hatchability in stem destroyed by typhoon followed pest destroyed, and stems destroyed by disease showed poorest attractive ability among coconut stem with different death cause; Small amount of larvae dung may attract the oviposition behaviors of O.rhinoceros, and the fecundity per female raised to 34.67 at the ratio of dung was 25%, then the oviposition behavior was restrain along with the increase of dung ratio in ovipositional substrates 
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