The analyses of the faunal composition and distributed pattern of Diptera from Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei of China
中文关键词:  双翅目  区系组成  分布格局  京津冀地区
英文关键词:Diptera  faunal composition  distributed pattern  Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei
摘要点击次数: 1491
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      Based on the determined specimens which deposited in the Hebei University Museum and the related data from the literatures of the previous studies, 1378 species of 499 genera, 51 families, 3 suborders of Diptera are known from Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei of China. Data analyses show that: the diversities of Cyclorrhapha in the familial, generic and specific levels are highest, accounting for 58.82%, 67.74% and 66.55% respectively of the according grades of the total number in this area; in the familial level, the diversity of Tachinidae is the highest, whose numbers of the genera and species accounting for 18.84% and 17.78% respectively; there are 260 monotypic genera, accounting for 52.10% of the total number. Besides, the result shows that the faunal composition of the Dipetra in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei is recognized belonging to Palaearctic, there are 222 endemic genera of the Palaearctic Realm, 277 common genera in the Palaearctic and Oriental Realms; the diversity of the genera in the Northeast subrealm (499 genera, accounting for 100% of the total number) is far higher than that in the Indo-China subrealm (277 genera, 55.51%) and the Central Asian subrealm (267 genera, 53.51%); the diversity of the genera in the North China Region (499 genera, 100%) is much more higher than that in the North-east Region (293 genera, 58.72%), Mongolo-Xinjiang Region (264 genera, 52.91%) South-west Region (254 genera, 50.90%) and Mid-China Region (253 genera, 50.70%), even more further from the Qinghai-Xizang Region (174 genera, 34.87%) and South China Region (170 genera, 34.07%) in the evolutionary relationship of biogeography.
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