谭永安,肖留斌,孙 洋,季英华,柏立新,2012,江苏烟粉虱生物型鉴定与危害程度分析[J].环境昆虫学报,34(3):277-282
Boitype identification and damage analysis of Bemisia tabaci in Jiangsu area
中文关键词:  烟粉虱  寄主植物  生物型  危害
英文关键词:Bemisia tabaci  host plant  biotype  damage
谭永安 江苏省农业科学院植物保护研究所南京 210014 
肖留斌 江苏省农业科学院植物保护研究所南京 210014 
孙 洋 江苏省农业科学院植物保护研究所南京 210014 
季英华 江苏省农业科学院植物保护研究所南京 210014 
柏立新 江苏省农业科学院植物保护研究所南京 210014 
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      通过实地调查结合mtDNA COI基因测序方法,分析并鉴定了江苏地区主要作物上烟粉虱的危害程度及烟粉虱的生物型组成。序列检测表明,江苏地区烟粉虱种群生物型为Q型和B型,其中Q型烟粉虱占所测总样本94.40%,Q型烟粉虱在苏南、苏中和苏北的比例分别是97.5%、96.0%和91.67%,表明Q型烟粉虱已成为在江苏省主要生物型烟粉虱。同源性分析发现,江苏的Q型烟粉虱序列与浙江、美国和日本的Q型烟粉虱碱基序列相似性为100%,江苏的B型烟粉虱序列与巴基斯坦、日本和中国北京的B型烟粉虱序列同源性为100%。在江苏地区烟粉虱主要危害茄科的番茄、长茄、甜椒,葫芦科的黄瓜、西葫芦及锦葵科的苘麻、棉花,表现出虫口密度大,植株受害重,而十字花科的小白菜、大白菜、萝卜及豆科的菜豆、豇豆等受害较轻,苋科的苋菜和菊科的生菜受害最轻。
      Bemisia tabaci is one of the most important agriculture pest, we analyzed the extent of damage and the variety of biotypes through investigation and using mtDNA COI sequences of B.tabaci in Jiangsu mainly host plants. The sequence analysis result indicated that the B and Q biotypes B.tabaci co-existed in Jiangsu area, and Q biotype B.tabaci was the main biotype (94.40%), the ratio in Southern Jiangsu,Central Jiangsu and Northern Jiangsu of Q biotype B.tabaci were 97.5%、96.0% and 91.67%. Homology analysis founded that Q-JS sequence with Q type B.tabaci in Zhejiang,USA and Japan's sequence homology is 100%, B-JS sequence with the B type B.tabaciin Pakistan,Japan and Beijing sequence homology is 100%.B.tabaci damaged crops most seriously such as Solanaceae, Cucurbitaceae, Malvaceae, and the population density of B.tabaci in the tomato, long eggplant, sweet pepper, cucumber et al. were the most, and also damaged the most in Jiangsu area.
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