Population dynamics of important noctuidae pests in Nanyang City from 2021-2023
投稿时间:2024-07-04  修订日期:2024-09-12
中文关键词:  探照灯诱虫器  夜蛾科害虫  成虫  种群动态
英文关键词:searchlight trap  noctuidae  adult  population dynamics
陈培育 南阳市科学院 南阳市人民北路350号
周晓静 南阳市科学院 
阴志刚 南阳市科学院 
赵倩 南阳市科学院 
申坚定 南阳市科学院 
黄建荣* 河南省农业科学院植物保护研究院 河南省郑州市金水区花园路116号
摘要点击次数: 13
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      为了解南阳地区主要夜蛾科害虫的种群动态,2021-2023年,在河南北部地区利用探照灯诱虫器对夜蛾科害虫成虫进行了诱捕监测。结果表明,3月上旬开始诱集到夜蛾科害虫,7月和8月有两个虫量高峰期。2022年诱集夜蛾科害虫37 530头,分别是2021年的2.04倍、2023年的1.72倍。夜蛾科害虫的物种丰富度时间动态大致呈“∧”型,6月和7月是物种最丰富的月份。棉铃虫、劳氏粘虫、小地老虎、甜菜夜蛾为夜蛾科主要优势种。棉铃虫始见虫日2022年最早,为3月17日,每年的7月和8月出现明显的虫量高峰期,月最大诱集量12 382头。劳氏粘虫2021年虫量高峰期为6月上旬,2022年8月上旬和9月中下旬有2个虫量高峰期,2023年虫量高峰期为8月上旬。小地老虎始见虫日2022年最早,为3月9日,3月中旬至4月上旬为第1个虫量高峰期,整体诱集量偏少,日最高诱集量23头。甜菜夜蛾每年7月和8月有2个虫量高峰期,年诱集量年际差异较大,2022年共诱集13 306头,分别是2021和2023年的35倍和42倍。本研究为主要夜蛾科害虫的预测预报与和防控提供了依据。
      To understand the population dynamics of important noctuid pests in southern Henan Province, from 2021 to 2023, a searchlight trap was utilized in Nanyang City, Henan Province, to monitor and trap noctuid pests. The results showed that noctuid pests were first trapped in early March, with two peak infestation periods in July and August. In 2022, a total of 37 530 noctuid pests were trapped, which was 2.04 times that of 2021 and 1.72 times that of 2023. The temporal dynamics of species richness of noctuid pests roughly followed an inverted "V" shape, with June and July being the months with the richest species diversity. Helicoverpa armigera, Mythimna Loreyi, Agrotis ypsilon, and Spodoptera exigua were identified as the dominant species within the noctuid family. Helicoverpa armigera was first observed on March 17, 2022, with distinct peak infestation periods occurring in July and August each year. Monthly maximum trap of Cotton bollworm was 12,382. The peak infestation of Mythimna Loreyi occurred in early June 2021, with two peaks in early August and mid-to-late September 2022, and another peak in early August 2023. Agrotis ypsilon were first trapped on March 9, 2022, with the first peak infestation occurring from mid-March to early April. However, the overall trap count was relatively low, with a daily maximum of 23 individuals. The two peak infestation of Spodoptera exigua population occured in July and August each year. There were significant interannual variations in the annual trap counts of the beet armyworm. In 2022, a total of 13 306 individuals were trapped, which was 35 times and 42 times that of 2021 and 2023, respectively. This study provides a basis for forecasting and prevention and control of major noctuid pests.
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