Transcriptome analysis of Br-SG in pupal stage of Bombyx mori at high and low temperature
投稿时间:2024-05-15  修订日期:2024-09-27
中文关键词:  家蚕  滞育  蛹期  滞育激素  脑-咽下神经节  
英文关键词:Silkworm  diapause  pupal stage  diapause hormone  Br-SG
刘露露 资源昆虫高效养殖与利用全国重点实验室 重庆市北碚区天生路2号西南大学
杨春艳 资源昆虫高效养殖与利用全国重点实验室 
郑露 资源昆虫高效养殖与利用全国重点实验室 
童晓玲* 资源昆虫高效养殖与利用全国重点实验室 重庆市北碚区天生路2号西南大学
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      滞育是昆虫为了躲避不利生存环境而进入的一种生长或生殖发育停滞的生理状态,家蚕作为典型的胚胎滞育昆虫,其滞育诱导过程已得到广泛的研究,但蛹期滞育激素(DH)释放过程的分子机制仍不十分清楚。二化性家蚕滞育性受到母性跨世代影响,蚕卵在25℃催青时,蛹期DH经咽下神经节(SG)释放,产滞育卵,而蚕卵在15℃催青时,蛹期不释放DH,产非滞育卵。本研究分别对蚕卵采用25℃和15℃催青,在DH释放关键时期(蛹3 d)解剖雌蛹脑-咽下神经节(Br-SG)进行转录组测序。筛选出888个差异表达基因,其中568个基因上调,320个基因下调。GO分类和KEGG功能富集分析结果显示差异基因主要具有丝氨酸内肽酶活性、单加氧酶活性、GTP酶激活活性和G蛋白偶联受体活性;同时差异基因主要参与昆虫激素生物合成、萜类骨架生物合成、长寿调节途径-多物种、神经活性配体-受体相互作用等相关通路。该研究为进一步解析家蚕滞育诱导过程中蛹期DH释放分子机制提供靶标基因和参考。
      Diapause is a physiological state of growth or reproductive development arrest that ensure insects survive from adverse living environment. The diapause induction process of silkworm, a typical embryo diapause insect, has been extensively studied, but the molecular mechanism of the diapause hormone (DH) release process in pupal stage remains unclear. The offspring diapause of silkworm is induced transgenerationally as a maternal effect. When silkworm eggs are incubated at 25℃, the DH in pupal stage is released by SG and the female moth laid diapause eggs, while when silkworm eggs are incubated at 15℃, the DH is not released and the female moth laid non-diapause eggs. In this study, the eggs of silkworm were incubated at 25℃ and 15℃ respectively, and the Br-SG of female pupa was dissected during the critical period of DH release (pupal stage 3 d) for transcriptome sequencing. There were 888 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were identified, of which 568 genes were up-regulated and 320 genes were down-regulated. GO classification and KEGG functional enrichment analysis showed that the DEGs mainly had serine endopeptidase activity, monooxygenase activity, GTPase activation activity and G protein-coupled receptor activity. At the same time, DEGs are mainly involved in hormone biosynthesis, terpenoid skeleton biosynthesis, longevity regulation pathway - multi-species, neural activity ligand-receptor interaction and other related pathways. This study provides target genes and reference for further analysis of the molecular mechanism of DH release in the pupal stage during diapause induction of silkworm.
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