Screening and identification of active metabolites β-sitosterol against brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stål) in resistant rice based on metabolomics
中文关键词:  褐飞虱  水稻抗性品种Mudgo  代谢组学  β-谷甾醇  豆甾醇  生长发育  存活率
英文关键词:Brown planthopper  rice resistant variety Mudgo  metabolomics  β-sitosterol  stigmasterol  growth and development  survival rate
王兴云,张新强,李菁,孟姗姗,尚晨旭,郜新强,李佳丽,张曼曼,张坤朋,王景顺 1. 安阳工学院生物与食品工程学院河南安阳 4550002. 安阳工学院博士后创新实践基地河南安阳 4550003. 河南大学生命科学学院河南开封 4750044. 河南省太行山林业有害生物野外科学观测研究站河南安阳 455000 
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      本研究利用代谢组学筛选抗性水稻中有活性的代谢物质,为开发控制褐飞虱Nilaparvata lugens的绿色植物源农药开拓思路。基于水稻品种对褐飞虱有抗性的差异,采用生长发育和存活率比较方法,验证了水稻品种Mudgo和TN1对褐飞虱的抗性差异;通过代谢组学分析抗褐飞虱水稻Mudgo和感褐飞虱水稻TN1代谢物的不同,筛选了品种间有显著差异的物质β-谷甾醇和无显著差异的物质豆甾醇作为褐飞虱生测物质,进行存活率和适合度功能验证,明确其对褐飞虱的功能效应。褐飞虱在Mugdo和TN1两种水稻品种上的生命参数间存在显著差异,在Mudgo水稻上发育历期延长,体重、体长和存活率降低。代谢组学分析共检测到69种差异代谢物,主要为脂质(36%)、碳水化合物(23%)、氨基酸(19%)、次生代谢物质(14%)、核酸(6%)及其他物质(1%)等6大类物质。褐飞虱人工饲料添加剂生测数据显示,褐飞虱取食20.0 μg/mL和500.0 μg/mL浓度β-谷甾醇,雌虫体重显著降低;取食500.0 μg/mL浓度β-谷甾醇,雄虫体重显著降低。此外,取食不同浓度豆甾醇对褐飞虱体重均无显著性影响。β-谷甾醇对褐飞虱的存活率有显著降低作用,而豆甾醇只有在4.0 μg/mL、100.0 μg/mL和500.0 μg/mL浓度下有降低作用。确认了水稻品种Mudgo对褐飞虱有显著的抗性,可显著降低存活率,抑制生长。代谢组学筛选到的69种差异代谢物可作为抗褐飞虱绿色植物源农药的备选库;其中,差异显著的代谢物质β-谷甾醇对褐飞虱体重和存活率有显著降低作用,可作为防治褐飞虱的植物源农药。
      Screening and identification of active metabolites in resistant rice based on metabolomics to develop green plant pesticides for controlling brown planthopper. Based on different rice varieties had different resistance against brown planthopper, the rice varieties Mudgo and TN1 against brown planthopper was verified by comparison of growth, development and survival rate. Metabolomics was used to analyze the differences metabolites between Mudgo and TN1. β-sitosterol with significant differences among varieties and stigmasterol with no significant differences were selected as bio-measured metabolites for the survival rate and fitness to clarify their functional effects on brown planthopper. There were significant differences in the life parameters of brown planthopper on Mugdo and TN1 rice varieties. The development days of brown planthopper on Mudgo was prolonged, the weight and body length were decreased, and the survival rate was also decreased. Metabolomics analysis found 69 different metabolites, which mainly included lipids (36%), carbohydrates (23%), amino acids (19%), secondary metabolites (14%), nucleic acids (6%) and other metabolites (1%). Bioassay data showed that the body weight of female planthopper decreased significantly when it feed β-sitosterol at concentrations of 20.0 μg/mL and 500.0 μg/mL, male body weight decreased significantly at 500.0 μg/mL. However, there was no significant effect on body weight of brown planthopper by different concentrations of stigmasterol. β-sitosterol significantly inhibited the survival rate of brown planthopper, while stigmasterol only inhibited the survival rate at 4.0 μg/mL, 100.0 μg/mL and 500.0 μg/mL concentrations. This study confirmed that the rice variety Mudgo has significant resistance to brown planthopper, which can significantly reduce the survival rate and growth development. The 69 different metabolites by metabolomics analyzed can be used as the candidate metabolites of green plant pesticides against brown planthopper. The metabolite β-sitosterol, which has significant difference between the two varieties, significantly decreased the body weight and survival rate of brown planthopper, and can be used as the plant-derived pesticides against brown planthopper.
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