Evaluation on the application effect of Hyphantria cunea sex pheromone domestic lure and intelligent monitoring equipment
投稿时间:2024-03-06  修订日期:2024-09-11
中文关键词:  美国白蛾  性信息素  诱芯  智能监测  种群动态
英文关键词:Hyphantria cunea  sex pheromone  lure  intelligent monitoring  population dynamics
侯文超 北京林业大学 北京市海淀区清华东路北京林业大学林学院
王爱东 北京市通州区林业保护站 
胡阳 北京市通州区林业保护站 
李晓曼 中捷四方(北京)生物科技有限公司 
王琳* 中捷四方生物科技股份有限公司 北京市通州区环科中路17号59A
摘要点击次数: 13
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      The Hyphantria cunea lure has long relied on imports from Japan, and in recent years, domestic lures have gradually emerged. To evaluate the application effect of Hyphantria cunea lure and AIM-lite-DL intelligent pest detection and reporting instrument, this experiment selected the Hyphantria cunea lures (Z1-Z5) independently developed by Pherobio and the imported lure (R) from Japan to conduct lure screening experiments, and compared the optimized (Za-Zc) with the other two Hyphantria cunea lures (N and H) and the imported (R) from Japan in terms of lure effect. The study investigated the monitoring effect of the intelligent monitoring device AIM-lite-DL intelligent pest detection and reporting device on the Hyphantria cunea. The test results show that the attraction effect of Z1, Z2, Z3, and Z5 lures is better than that of R lures, and the amount of insects attracted by Z lures is about 1.2~2.8 times that of R lures. The lure effect of Za, Zb, and Zc lures is better than that of N and H lures, and there is no significant difference between them and R lures. The lure amount of Z type lure cores is about 8.5~33.7 times that of N and H lures. The population dynamics of Hyphantria cunea obtained by Pherobio intelligent monitoring equipment, were consistent with those obtained from Unitrap. The average counting accuracy of the intelligent monitoring equipment reached over 90%. The sex pheromone lure produced by Pherobio can be used for monitoring Hyphantria cunea. The intelligent monitoring equipment for Hyphantria cunea produced by Pherobio has high counting accuracy and can be used for intelligent monitoring of Hyphantria cunea when combined with domestically produced lures (Z1) made by Pherobio.
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