何昌本,赵海燕,唐良德,杨茂发,陈晓菡,2025,台湾甲腹茧蜂及其寄主过冷却点和冰点测定[J].环境昆虫学报,(1):299-305 |
台湾甲腹茧蜂及其寄主过冷却点和冰点测定 |
Determination of supercooling point and freezing point of Chelonus formosanus Sonan and its host |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 台湾甲腹茧蜂 过冷却点 冰点 抗寒性 夜蛾科 |
英文关键词:Chelonus formosanus Sonan supercooling point freezing point cold resistance Noctuidae |
基金项目:贵州大学引进人才科研项目(贵大人基合字(2020)3号);贵州省科技创新人才团队(黔科合人才平台?CXTD〔2021〕004) |
摘要点击次数: 3 |
全文下载次数: 5 |
中文摘要: |
台湾甲腹茧蜂Chelonus formosanus Sonan是多种鳞翅目夜蛾科害虫的重要寄生蜂,具有较大的生防潜能。为了更好地了解该蜂的抗寒性,本研究对其不同发育阶段的过冷却点和冰点进行了测定,并分析了不同个体间的频次分布。结果表明,台湾甲腹茧蜂不同发育阶段的过冷却点和冰点均差异显著,其中,5日龄蛹的过冷却点最低,为?13.05℃,高龄幼虫的过冷却点最高,为?11.08℃;成虫的冰点最低,为?8.23℃,高龄幼虫的冰点最高,为?4.25℃。台湾甲腹茧蜂不同发育阶段不同个体过冷却点和冰点的变异均符合正态分布。被台湾甲腹茧蜂寄生的斜纹夜蛾过冷却点略低于未被寄生的个体,差异不显著,因此寄生对寄主的过冷却点影响不显著。结果显示,台湾甲腹茧蜂蛹的抗寒能力强于高龄幼虫和成虫,蛹期以中龄蛹和末龄蛹抗寒能力较强。 |
英文摘要: |
Chelonus formosanus Sonan (Hymenoptera : Braconidae ) is an important parasitoid of many lepidopteran noctuid pests. It has great potential for biocontrol on these pests. In order to better understand the cold resistance of the wasp, the supercooling point and freezing point of the wasp at different developmental stages were measured and the frequency distribution was analyzed. The results showed that the supercooling points and freezing point of different developmental stages of C. formosanus were significantly different. Among them, 5-day-old pupae was the lowest, (?13.05°C), while the older larvae was the highest, (?11.08°C). The freezing point of adults was the lowest (?8.23°C), and that of older larvae was the highest (?4.25°C). The variation of supercooling point and freezing point of different individuals at different developmental stage of C. formosanus all conformed to the normal distribution. In addition, parasitism had no significant effect on the supercooling point of the host,and the supercooling point of Spodoptera litura parasitized by C. formosanus was lower than that of the unparasitized S. litura. The results showed that the cold tolerance of pupae was stronger than that of older larva and adult, and the cold tolerance of middle-aged pupae and last-instar pupae was stronger. |
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