白卫辉,吴慧敏,陈惠梅,陈 立,陆永跃,许益镌,王 磊,2025,黑褐举腹蚁与红火蚁间的干扰竞争和机制[J].环境昆虫学报,(1):249-258
Interference competition and mechanisms between Solenopsis invicta Buren and Crematogaster rogenhoferi Mayr
中文关键词:  红火蚁  黑褐举腹蚁  干扰竞争  生物活性  触杀毒性  驱避作用
英文关键词:Solenopsis invicta  Crematogaster rogenhoferi  interference competition  bioactivity  contact toxicity  repellent effect
白卫辉,吴慧敏,陈惠梅,陈 立,陆永跃,许益镌,王 磊 1. 华南农业大学植物保护学院广州 5106422. 河北大学生命科学学院河北保定 071002 
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      黑褐举腹蚁Crematogaster rogenhoferi是一种可以与重大入侵害虫红火蚁Solenopsis invicta共存的本地蚂蚁。为探究黑褐举腹蚁与红火蚁的竞争机制,本研究测定了二者在个体与群体水平上的竞争能力,并评价了黑褐举腹蚁毒液粗提物对红火蚁的触杀和驱避作用。一对一攻击试验结果表明:红火蚁大型、中型工蚁与黑褐举腹蚁工蚁组合的攻击指数分别为2.03和1.97;攻击指数在3级以上的攻击行为中,红火蚁主动攻击次数占总次数的85%以上,以物理攻击为主,黑褐举腹蚁大多数情况下为被动防御且全部以化学攻击应对。群体攻击试验结果表明,各处理组合中红火蚁的死亡率均高于黑褐举腹蚁;两者10∶10的组合中,红火蚁死亡率达到60%,而黑褐举腹蚁的仅为7%,后者群体竞争能力更强。而在黑褐举腹蚁尾部毒液分泌口封堵处理之后,在10∶10的群体竞争组合中其死亡率由6.67%提高至75.00%,说明毒液在其与红火蚁的竞争中起到重要作用。不同稀释浓度的黑褐举腹蚁毒液粗提物对红火蚁的致死率均会随着处理时间的增加而提高,浓度8%的毒液粗提物处理48 h后红火蚁死亡率超过85%。而且10%的黑褐举腹蚁毒液粗提物溶液对红火蚁的驱避率为81.67%,略微低于10%避蚊胺的驱避率91.67%,其他浓度的毒液粗提物的驱避效果均显著低于同浓度的避蚊胺。综上所述,黑褐举腹蚁的化学防御是其与红火蚁竞争的优势原因,而且其化学防御物质对红火蚁有较高的生物活性。
      Crematogaster rogenhoferi is a native ant in south China that coexists with the invasive red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta. To explore the mechanism of interspecific competition between C. rogenhoferi and S. invicta, the competitiveness of C. rogenhoferi against S. invicta at one-on-one and group levels was tested. The contact toxicity and repellency of crude extract of C. rogenhoferi venom on S. invicta were evaluated as well. At the one-on-one level, the aggression indexes of large workers, medium workers of S. invicta against C. rogenhoferi workers were 2.03 and 1.97, respectively. S. invicta contributed 85% of active attacks in which aggression indexes were over 3, and their attacks were mainly physical, while C. rogenhoferi workers primarily relied on chemical defenses. At all group levels, the mortality of S. invicta was higher than that of C. rogenhoferi. In the 10:10 combination, the mortality of S. invicta reached 60%, and the mortality rate of C. rogenhoferi was only 7%, indicating that the latter had significantly stronger competitiveness at the group level. After sting was sealed by nail polish, the mortality of C. rogenhoferi increased to 75.00% in the 10:10 combination, suggesting that its venom played a crucial role in competition against S. Invicta. The contact bioassays showed that the mortality of S. invicta increased with longer treatment times using different dilutions of C. rogenhoferi venom. After 48 hours of treatment with an 8% crude extract, the mortality of S. invicta exceeded 85%. The repellent rate of 10% crude extract of C. rogenhoferi venom was 81.67% against S. invicta, slightly lower than the 91.67% repellent rate of 10% DEET. Other concentrations of the venom extract showed significantly lower repellency compared to DEET at the same concentration. In conclusion, the chemical defenses of C. rogenhoferi provided a competitive advantage with S. invicta, and its chemical defense compounds exhibited high biological activity against S. invicta.
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