郑笑傲,艾小晖,阮光发,蒋 勇,WILLIAMS Paul H.,顾 垒,孙 成,2025,四川贡嘎山国家级自然保护区熊蜂物种多样性研究[J].环境昆虫学报,(1):206-213
The survey of bumblebee species diversity in the Sichuan Gongga Mountain National Nature Reserve
中文关键词:  熊蜂  贡嘎山  拟熊蜂  稀有种  濒危
英文关键词:Bumblebee  Gongga Mountain  Psithyrus  rare species  endangered
郑笑傲,艾小晖,阮光发,蒋 勇,WILLIAMS Paul H.,顾 垒,孙 成 1. 四川贡嘎山国家级自然保护区管理局四川康定6260012. 首都师范大学生命科学学院北京 1000483. Department of Life Sciences, Natural History Museum, London SW75BD, United Kingdom 
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      熊蜂是蜜蜂科熊蜂属昆虫的统称,在维护自然生态系统的稳定与促进农业生产等方面发挥着重要的作用。为了掌握四川贡嘎山国家级自然保护区中熊蜂物种多样性的现状与历史变化情况、评估它们的生态服务功能、鉴定出濒危蜂种进而进行保护,本研究在2022-2023年间,分3次在保护区中的23块采样地采用网捕的方式共采集了919头熊蜂样本,并在采样的同时记录了熊蜂取食植物的种类。同时采用形态特征与分子条形码技术相结合的方法对采集到的熊蜂标本进行了物种鉴定、计算了其多度及均匀度指数、分析了其海拔分布特点。研究结果显示,保护区中现有熊蜂21种,隶属于7个亚属,Shannon-Wiener多样性指数为2.2093。这21种熊蜂中有8种为稀有种,其中的灰熊蜂Bombus grahami、卧龙熊蜂B. wolongensis、拉达克熊蜂B. ladakhensis、稳纹熊蜂B. waltoni等4种熊蜂,不仅数量少、而且分布范围也非常狭窄,是保护区中亟需高度关注的蜂种,应尽早采取保护措施。随着海拔的升高保护区中熊蜂的数量和物种丰富度都逐渐增加,并且在海拔3 000 ~ 4 000 m的区间二者均达到峰值。熊蜂在保护区中为超过43种野生、经济植物提供授粉服务。与40年前的调查结果相比,拟熊蜂亚属的两种熊蜂(牛拟熊蜂B. bohemicus与探索拟熊蜂B. expolitus)均没有在保护区中被发现,大概率已经发生了局地灭绝,本研究的这一调查结果也证实了前人的猜测:由于其社会性寄生的生活方式,拟熊蜂亚属的熊蜂应该更容易濒危或灭绝。综上所述,本研究掌握了保护区中熊蜂种质资源的现状及历史变化情况,鉴定出亟需高度关注的蜂种,这为保护区中熊蜂种群的动态监测与保护奠定了重要基础。
      Bumblebees (Hymenoptera: Apidae) are a group of pollinators in the genus Bombus, which play important roles in maintaining the balance of natural ecosystem and in promoting agricultural production. We conducted this survey to understand bumblebee species that are currently residing in the Sichuan Gongga Mountain National Nature Reserve and identify species that are under threaten. During the year of 2022-2023, we collected bumblebee samples from 23 plots of the Nature Reserve by sweeping nets for 3 times and recorded their food plants at the same time. Morphological characteristics and molecular barcoding techniques were combined used to identify the species of samples, calculated their abundance and evenness indices, and analyzed their altitudinal distribution patterns. The results indicated that a total of 919 bumblebee specimens were collected and DNA barcoding results indicated that they were from 21 species of 7 subgenus, the Shannon-Wiener index was 2.2093. Of these 21 bumblebee species, 3 of them were abundant species and 8 of them were rare species. In addition, 4 of the rare species (Bombus graham, B. wolongensis, B. ladakhensis, B. waltoni) were not only rare in number but had a very narrow geographic distribution in the Reserve, indicating their endangered status. Therefore, they were species that urgently required high attention in the protective areas and protective measures should be taken as early as possible. Both the abundance and species richness of bumblebees exhibited a progressive rise with elevation. The largest numbers of bumblebee individuals and species were founded at elevations between 3 000-4 000 m. Bumblebees provided pollination services for at least 43 wild and economic plants in the Reserve. Compared with the 40-year-ago survey results of the same region, two bumblebee species in subgenus Psithyrus (B. bohemicus and B. expolitus), which had shown up in the last survey but were absent in this survey. Moreover, no species from subgenus Psithyrus was collected during this survey. The results suggested that they had probably already gone extinct locally because, as proposed, bumblebees in subgenus Psithyrus, which exhibited socially parasitic behavior, were more vulnerable to population decline or even extinction than other bumblebees. Taken together, we had identified the currently available resources and historical changes of bumblebee species in the Reserve and provided a list of endangered species, which could be invaluable for the protection of bumblebees in the Reserve.
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