杨 蕊,熊忠平,徐正会,祁 彪,刘 霞,周雪英,许国莲,2025,青藏高原西北坡蚂蚁物种的分布格局[J].环境昆虫学报,(1):199-205
Distribution patterns of ant species on northwest slope of Qinghai-Xizang Plateau
中文关键词:  蚁科  水平分布  垂直分布  栖息生境  觅食场所  筑巢场所
英文关键词:Formicidae  horizontal distribution  vertical distribution  habitat  forage place  nesting site
杨 蕊,熊忠平,徐正会,祁 彪,刘 霞,周雪英,许国莲 1. 西南林业大学林学院云南省森林灾害预警与控制重点实验室昆明 6502242. 广西壮族自治区国有东门林场广西扶绥 532108 
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      本研究采用样地调查法研究了青藏高原西北坡从唐古拉山口海拔5 243 m至吐鲁番艾丁湖海拔?154 m垂直带上蚂蚁物种的分布格局。共记录蚁科Formicidae昆虫2亚科12属26种。艾箭蚁Cataglyphis aenescens(Nylander)、红林蚁Formica clara Forel、寇氏心结蚁Cardiocondyla koshewnikovi Ruzsky和草地铺道蚁Tetramorium caespitum(Linnaeus)这4个物种具有宽阔的垂直分布范围和生态适应幅度,可作为监测青藏高原西北坡生态环境变化的指示物种;其余蚂蚁物种的生态适应范围相对狭窄。杨树林中栖息的蚂蚁物种最丰富(16种);大多数物种以地表觅食(22种)和土壤筑巢(21种)为主。结论认为,蚂蚁物种的分布格局受海拔、气候和植被丰富度等因素的影响,大多数蚂蚁物种对生境的依赖性很强,一旦所依赖生境破坏或丧失,很容易出现局部灭绝事件。建议应对青藏高原生态系统中不同海拔的植被类型及其蚂蚁多样性妥善保护,以维持其水土涵养和生物多样性保护功能。尽管青藏高原西北坡蚂蚁物种多样性偏低,但是该地区的物种与其他地区相比表现出良好的耐寒、耐旱能力,对高原生态系统土壤改良和植物种子扩散等仍具有重要作用。
      In this study, the distribution patterns of ant species were investigated using plot-sampling method on the vertical zone from Tanggula Pass at an altitude of 5243 m to Aydingk?l Lake of Turpan at -150 m on the northwest slope of Qinghai-Xizang Plateau. A total of 26 species belonging to 12 genera and 2 subfamilies of Formicidae were recorded. 4 species, Cataglyphis aenescens (Nylander), Formica clara Forel, Cardiocondyla koshewnikovi Ruzsky and Tetramorium caespitum (Linnaeus), had a wide vertical distribution range and ecological adaptability, which can be used as indicator species to monitor the ecological environment changes of the northwest slope of Qinghai-Xizang Plateau, while the range of ecological adaptation of other ant species was relatively narrow. Ant species in Populus forest were particularly diverse (16 species). Most species foraged on the ground (22 species) and nest in the soil (21 species). It was concluded that the distribution pattern of ant species was influenced by factors such as altitude, climate, and vegetation richness, and most ant species were highly habitat-dependent. The destroy or disappearance of the habits they depend on will easily lead to their partial extinction. Therefore, the different vegetation types and ant diversity at different altitudes in the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau ecosystem should be well-protected to maintain its water, soil and biodiversity conservation functions. Although the species diversity of ants on the northwest slope of Qinghai-Xizang Plateau was low, the species in this area showed good cold and drought resistance compared with other areas, which played an important role in soil improvement and plant seed dispersal in plateau ecosystem.
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