张 柳,余代宏,李红卫,石旺鹏,王雅娜,于艳雪,谌爱东,2025,云南元江地区芒果园桔小实蝇发生特点与关键气象因子分析[J].环境昆虫学报,(1):192-198 |
云南元江地区芒果园桔小实蝇发生特点与关键气象因子分析 |
Population dynamics of Bactrocera dorsalis in mango orchard in Yuanjiang County, Yunnan Province with an analysis of related climatic factors |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 桔小实蝇 种群动态 气象因子 干热河谷气候 |
英文关键词:Bactrocera dorsalis population dynamics climatic factors dry-warm valley climate |
基金项目:中国检验检疫科学研究院基本科研业务费项目(2024JK053);果树果实蝇类害虫优势种生态控制技术研究与示范(202102AE090006) |
摘要点击次数: 3 |
全文下载次数: 3 |
中文摘要: |
桔小实蝇Bactrocera dorsalis是芒果生产中的一种毁灭性害虫。本研究对2020-2022年云南元江县桔小实蝇的周年发生动态进行了监测,并分析了气象因子与该虫数量的相关性。结果表明,元江芒果园中桔小实蝇周年发生,总体呈现出种群数量冬季低、夏季高的规律。该地区桔小实蝇种群每年有2个快速增长期,3月种群数量快速增长,4-5月发生下降或增幅变缓,6月后种群数量再次快速增长,至7月达到发生高峰,后开始下降,到12月和次年1月为发生低谷。相关性分析表明,元江芒果园中桔小实蝇发生量与月均气温、月平均最高气温和平均最低气温呈正相关关系,月降水量、月日照时数、月平均相对湿度和月最小相对湿度对桔小实蝇的发生影响小。经逐步回归分析发现,月平均气温是影响桔小实蝇种群数量变化的最关键气象因子,这为元江县或相同气候区蔬菜瓜果等重要经济作物的桔小实蝇防控提供了理论依据。 |
英文摘要: |
The oriental fruit ?y, Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel), is a destructive pest in mango cultivation. Here, we monitored the annual population dynamics of B. dorsalis over the past 3 years from 2020 to 2022 in Yuanjiang, Yunnan, China, and analyzed the correlation between the population change of B. dorsalis and the climatic factors. The results showed that B. dorsalis occurred all the year during the monitored periods. In the mango orchards, B. dorsalis showed low population in winter and high population in summer. There were 2 rapid population growth periods every year in Yuanjiang. The population of B. dorsalis increased significantly in March, then decreased or slowed down in April to May. The population increased rapidly again in June and reached a peak in July. Then, the population dropped and reached the lowest level in December and January of the following year. There was a positive correlation between the B. dorsalis populations and mean monthly maximum temperature, mean monthly minimum temperature and monthly mean temperature. Monthly precipitation, monthly sunshine hours, monthly average relative humidity and monthly minimum relative humidity had little effect on the occurrence of B. dorsalis. The stepwise regression analysis indicated that the monthly mean air pressure was the major factor affecting the B. dorsalis populations. Monthly mean air pressure and monthly mean temperature are the key factors that affect the population dynamics of B. dorsalis. This study provids a theoretical basis for the prevention and control of B. dorsalis of important economic crops such as vegetables, melons and fruits in Yuanjiang County or areas with the same climate. |
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