温 健,黄 锋,卓婷婷,梁毕毕,陆永跃,曹凤勤,2025,危险性害虫三带实蝇生物学生态学及防治研究进展[J].环境昆虫学报,(1):184-191 |
危险性害虫三带实蝇生物学生态学及防治研究进展 |
Advances in the biology, ecology and control of dangerous fruit fly Bactrocera umbrosa (Fabricius) |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 三带实蝇 生物入侵 热带地区 生态学 综合防治 |
英文关键词:Bactrocera umbrosa biological invasion ecology integrated pest management |
基金项目:海南省桔小实蝇防控技术试验示范项目(RH2400008674);广州市重点研发计划项目(2023B04J0154);广东省现代农业产业共性关键技术研发创新团队建设项目(2023KJ134) |
摘要点击次数: 1 |
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中文摘要: |
三带实蝇Bactrocera umbrosa(Fabricius)是一种广泛分布于东南亚的寡食性实蝇,主要对桑科波罗蜜属植物,特别是波罗蜜和面包树构成危害。随着我国与东南亚地区的经贸联系日益加强,三带实蝇对我国农业构成的潜在威胁也日益严重。然而,对于三带实蝇的认识和基础研究仍相对不足。本文综述了三带实蝇的形态特征、寄主范围、传播与入侵机制,及其防治策略,并探讨了未来的研究方向。提高对三带实蝇入侵风险的认知、加强研究和综合治理,对预防和控制该害虫至关重要。 |
英文摘要: |
Bactrocera umbrosa (Fabricius), a monophagous tephritid fruit fly native to Southeast Asia, represents a significant threat to the Artocarpus genus within the Moraceae family, particularly to jackfruit Artocarpus heterophyllus and breadfruit Artocarpus altilis. As economic and trade ties between China and Southeast Asia strengthen, the risk that B. umbrosa poses to agricultural security is increasing. Despite the growing threat, our understanding and fundamental research on this species remain relatively limited. This review synthesizes the current knowledge regarding the morphological characteristics of B. umbrosa, its hosts, dispersal and invasion patterns, and existing management strategies. It also proposes potential avenues for future research. Increasing vigilance against its invasive potential, bolstering scientific research, and adopting a comprehensive management strategy are essential to effectively mitigate and control this destructive species. |
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