Acoustic simulation between assassin bug (Biasticus ventralis) and its prey, the stingless bee (Tetragonilla collina)
中文关键词:  声音模拟  昆虫拟态  进攻性拟态  飞行声音频率
英文关键词:Acoustic mimicry  insect mimicry  aggressive mimicry  flight sound frequency
基金项目:云南省中青年学术和技术带头人后备人才项目(202105AC160084);省部共建云南生物资源保护与利用重点实验室开放课题(gzkf2022004);质兰基金会项目 (2023070511A)
魏雨欣,汪正威 1. 中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园热带森林生态重点实验室西双版纳 6663032. 中国科学院大学北京 100049 
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      拟态是自然界中十分常见的一种生态适应现象,是了解自然选择理论最为典型的一类研究案例。目前被报道的拟态案例大多集中在视觉模拟上,而在声音模态方面的报道相对较少。本研究报道了基于捕食关系下暗翅无刺蜂Tetragonilla collina和黑腹壮猎蝽Biasticus ventralis间的声音模拟案例。分别采集了暗翅无刺蜂蜂巢门口的归巢蜂、出巢蜂以及黑腹壮猎蝽飞行时的音频,并对其音频进行提取和分析。随后以基频、第1谐波、第2谐波、第1频率四分位数、第2频率四分位数、第3频率四分位数、频谱标准差等7个声音频率参数来进行多元统计分析,比较它们之间的相似性高低。结果表明,基于7个声音频率参数的偏最小二乘法判别分析无法有效的将黑腹壮猎蝽和暗翅无刺蜂的归巢蜂、出巢蜂发出的声音区分开来。经似然比卡方检验,发现其中黑腹壮猎蝽与暗翅无刺蜂的归巢蜂的7个声音频率参数均无显著性差异(P>0.05)。对比分析发现,在两个与暗翅无刺蜂关联的拟态系统中,暗翅无刺蜂归巢蜂与黑腹壮猎蝽的模拟程度更高。该拟态系统的发现为声音模态方面提供了新的研究案例,进而为从多模态角度了解拟态起源和演化的过程提供了一定的参考依据。
      Mimicry is a very common ecological adaptation phenomenon in nature and is also one of the most typical research cases to understand natural selection. However, most reported cases of mimicry are concentrated in the visual modality, and there are still few reports on the acoustic modality. This study reports a sound simulation case between Tetragonilla collina and Biasticus ventralis based on predator-prey relationships. We collected audio recordings of Homing T.collina, Outbound T. collina, and B. ventralis flying at the entrance of the T. collina stingless bee hive, and extracted and analyzed their audio recordings. Subsequently, multivariate statistical analysis was conducted on seven sound frequency parameters, including fundamental frequency, first harmonic, second harmonic, first frequency quartile, second frequency quartile, third frequency quartile, and spectral standard deviation, to compare their similarities. The results indicated that the partial least squares discriminant analysis based on 7 sound frequency parameters could effectively distinguish the sounds emitted by Homing and Outbound T. collina and the B. ventralis. According to the likelihood ratio chi square test, it was found that there was no significant difference (P>0.05) in the seven sound frequency parameters between the Homing T. collina and B. ventralis. Comparative analysis revealed that the simulation degree between T. collina and B. ventralis was high among two mimetic systems associated with T. collina. The discovery of this mimetic system provides a new research case for sound modality, and thus provides a certain reference basis for understanding the origin and evolution of mimicry from a multimodal perspective.
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