张红岩,帕提玛·乌木尔汗,马 召,梁天宇,吾古子汗·哈斯木江,王惠卿,芦 屹,付文君,王青风,马德英,2025,新疆伊犁地区不同性诱芯和性迷向剂防控番茄潜叶蛾效果评价[J].环境昆虫学报,(1):97-107
Evaluation of the efficacy of sex pheromone lures and pheromone diffusers for the control of Tuta absoluta in Yili Region of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region
中文关键词:  番茄潜叶蛾  性诱芯  性迷向剂  交配干扰  田间防效  绿色防控
英文关键词:Tuta absoluta  sex pheromone lures  sex pheromone diffusers  mating disruption  field control  green prevention and control
张红岩,帕提玛·乌木尔汗,马 召,梁天宇,吾古子汗·哈斯木江,王惠卿,芦 屹,付文君,王青风,马德英 1. 新疆农业大学农学院/农业农村部西北荒漠绿洲农林外来入侵生物防控重点实验室/农林有害生物监测与安全防控重点实验室乌鲁木齐 8300522. 新疆维吾尔自治区植物保护站乌鲁木齐 8300063. 伊犁州农业技术推广总站新疆伊犁 8350004. 伊宁市农业技术推广站新疆伊犁 835000 
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      理化诱控技术是一种利用理化手段进行农作物病虫害防治的方法,包括利用信息素、灯光、粘虫板等。为明确番茄潜叶蛾Tuta absoluta性信息素产品在田间的表现效果,本研究于新疆伊犁地区伊宁市,选用不同企业及科研单位研制的4种性诱芯(Y-ZJ、Y-ZD、Y-NK、Y-ZZ)(表1)及3种性迷向剂(M-ZJ、M-CBT、M-NK)(表2)进行田间应用效果评价。根据最高诱集量、日均诱集量、持效期、单价对性诱芯进行评分,得分由高到低依次为:Y-ZD、Y-ZZ、Y-ZJ、Y-NK、Y-CK。60 d后,Y-ZD幼虫防效、潜叶防效、蛀果防效最高,分别为23.54%、4.33%,14.81%。3种产品的平均迷向率由高到低依次为M-NK(93.68%)、M-ZJ(93.54%)、M-CBT(86.13%);平均幼虫防效由高到低依次为:M-NK(85.27%)、M-ZJ(80.90%)、M-CBT(66.43%);平均潜叶防效由高到低依次为:M-NK(88.74%)、M-ZJ(79.17%)、M-CBT(60.82%)。结果表明,在田间使用性诱芯诱杀防效较低,仅可用于监测,Y-ZD效果较好。3种性迷向剂(M-ZJ、M-CBT、M-NK)平均迷向率均达85%以上;平均幼虫防效达65%以上;平均潜叶防效达60%以上,M-NK迷向效果最好,推荐使用,亩防治成本为125元。
      The physicochemical trapping and control technology is a method for the prevention and control of crop pests and diseases by means of physicochemical measures, including the utilization of pheromones, lights, sticky traps, etc. To clarify the performance effect of the sex pheromone product of Tuta absoluta in the field, four kinds of sex pheromone lures (Y-ZJ, Y-ZD, Y-NK, Y-ZZ) (table 1) and three kinds of sex pheromone diffusers (M-ZJ, M-CBT, M-NK) (table 2) were selected. These products were developed by various enterprises and research institutions to assess the efficacy of the technology against T. absoluta in field trials conducted in Yining City, Yili Region, Xinjiang Province. The scores of the sex pheromone lures were based on the maximum trapping volume, average daily trapping volume, duration of efficacy, and unit price. The scores, in descending order, were Y-ZD, Y-ZZ, Y-ZJ, Y-NK, and Y-CK. After 60 days, Y-ZD exhibited the highest larvae control efficiency (23.54%), leaf damage control efficiency (4.33%), and fruit damage control efficiency (14.81%). The average mating disruption rates for the three products were as follows: M-NK (93.68%), M-ZJ (93.54%), and M-CBT (86.13%). Similarly, the average larvae control efficiencies were M-NK (85.27%), M-ZJ (80.90%), and M-CBT (66.43%), while the average leaf damage control efficiencies were M-NK (88.74%), M-ZJ (79.17%), and M-CBT (60.82%). The results showed that the efficacy of using sex pheromone lures in the field was low, and they could only be used for monitoring. However, Y-ZD demonstrated relatively higher efficacy. The average mating disruption rate of the three sex pheromone diffusers exceeded 85%, while the average larvae control efficiency and leaf damage control efficiency exceeded 65% and 60%, respectively. Among them, M-NK demonstrated the best mating disruption effect and was recommended for field application, which was at a control cost of 125 yuan per mu (approximately 0.0667 hectares).
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