Determination and first record of Tuta absoluta in Xizang
中文关键词:  南美番茄潜叶蛾  重大农业入侵害虫  西藏  物种鉴定  扩散趋势
英文关键词:Tuta absoluta  important agricultural invasive species  Xizang  species identification  spread directions
詹金钰,张欢欢,郭建洋,吕志创,吴蓓蕾,赵铭菲,王文峰,刘万学 1. 中国农业科学院植物保护研究所植物病虫害综合治理全国重点实验室北京 1000942. 宁夏大学林业与草业学院银川 7500213. 西藏自治区农牧科学院蔬菜研究所拉萨 8500324.西藏自治区农牧科学院高原农业科技联合创新中心拉萨 850000 
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      2024年6-7月,先后在西藏林芝市(察隅镇)、昌都市(卡若镇、如美镇)的番茄及马铃薯上发现一鳞翅目幼虫潜食植物叶片并驻食果实,为害严重。利用形态特征和分子生物学方法对其进行鉴定,确证该虫为我国重大农业入侵害虫南美番茄潜叶蛾Tuta absoluta(Meyrick)。这是南美番茄潜叶蛾在西藏自治区首次发现并报道。本研究概述了该虫的形态特征及在西藏自治区的发生危害特点,讨论了经由印度通过国际农产品贸易或经由国内已发生区域(四川、云南等)通过种苗调运传入西藏自治区的可能性,并研判了该虫扩散趋势。目前,南美番茄潜叶蛾在西藏自治区由低海拔地区向高海拔地区扩散趋势明显,因此,需加强对农产品贸易或种苗调运的检验检疫工作,阻断扩散途径,严防该物种持续传入与扩散危害,并及时开展该物种在全区的全面调查研究,明确其主要发生规律、危害程度以及分布范围等,为西藏自治区农业外来入侵物种的预警与防控提供参考。
      From June to July 2024, during greenhouse in Linzhi City (Tsatsum Town) and filed surveillance in Changdu City (Karuo Town and Rumei Town), Xizang, China, we successively found serious infestations of lepidopteran larvae on tomato and potato plants, with mined leaves and attacked fruits. The lepidopteran was identified as Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) using morphology and molecular methods, a major agricultural invasive pest in China. It is the first report that T. absoluta occurred in Xizang, China. In this paper, the morphological characteristics of T. absoluta and its infestation characteristics in Xizang are described. The possibility that the South American tomato leafminer could be introduced into Xizang via India through international trade in agricultural products, or from some domestic regions where the pest has already occurred (Sichuan, Yunnan, etc.) through seedling transportation was discussed and the spread trend was studied and judged. Currently, it is evident that the diffusion trend of T. absoluta is from low-altitude to high-altitude in Xizang. Therefore, in order to prevent the continued introduction and diffusion hazard of the pest, it is necessary to strengthen the inspection and quarantine on agricultural product trade and seedling transportation to block dispersion pathways of T. absoluta, and timely and comprehensive survey of the pest in the entire region, including clarifying its main occurrence regularity, degree of damage, and distribution range and so on, which provides reference for monitoring and controlling agricultural invasive species in Xizang.
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