杜澄举,李广升,李鸿立,李 洁,杨欣亚,李晓媚,邱华龙,王 偲,,土沉香重大害虫黄野螟生物学与综合防控技术研究进展[J].环境昆虫学报,():
Research progress on the biology and integrated control techniques of Heortia vitessoides, the major pest of Aquilaria sinensis
中文关键词:  土沉香  中草药  农药残留  绿色防控  鳞翅目害虫
英文关键词:Aquilaria sinensis  traditional chinese medicine  pesticide residue  eco-friendly pest management  lepidopteran pests
杜澄举,李广升,李鸿立,李 洁,杨欣亚,李晓媚,邱华龙,王 偲  
摘要点击次数: 36
全文下载次数: 14
      土沉香Aquilaria sinensis是我国重要的沉香基源植物,具有极高的经济和文化价值。黄野螟Heortia vitessoides是土沉香的重大食叶害虫,其幼虫具有聚集行为,常形成数百头集群大量取食土沉香叶片,导致树势衰弱甚至死亡。目前,化学杀虫剂仍是防控黄野螟的主要方法,但可能导致农药残留问题,降低沉香的品质和价格。近年来,黄野螟的分子生物学、化学生态和综合防控技术获得了极大的关注。分子生物学方面,黄野螟的高质量基因组已公布,一系列与昆虫发育、环境适应以及抗性相关的功能基因被鉴定,为基于核酸的生物农药的研发提供了理论基础。此外,研究表明土沉香和花香挥发物对黄野螟成虫具有显著的电生理活性和引诱作用。然而,黄野螟成虫性信息素的具体成分仍未成功解析。综合防控技术方面,有较多研究探索通过筛选抗性土沉香品系、利用天敌昆虫和病原微生物等方法防控黄野螟。未来应继续深入研究黄野螟基础生物学并完善黄野螟绿色防控技术体系。
      Aquilaria sinensis is an important source plant of agarwood in China, with significantly high economic and cultural values. Heortia vitessoides is the major leaf-eating pest of A. sinensis. The larvae of H. vitessoides are gregarious, usually forming large cohorts containing dozens or hundreds of individuals that consume large amounts of leaves and leading to the weak or even death of A. sinensis. Currently, chemical insecticides are the primary method for controlling H. vitessoides. However, this approach can lead to pesticide residue issues, thereby reducing the quality and price of agarwood. In recent years, the molecular biology, chemical ecology, and eco-friendly management technology of H. vitessoides have received increasing attention. A high-quality genome of H. vitessoides has been published, and several functional genes related to development, stress response, and resistance have been identified, providing a theoretical basis for the development of RNA-based biopesticides. In addition, various volatile compounds from A. sinensis and floral scents show electrophysiological activity and attractive effects on H. vitessoides adults. However, the specific components of the sex pheromones of H. vitessoides adults have not yet been identified. Many efforts have been made to develop alternative control methods, such as screening resistant varieties of A. sinensis and utilizing predatory insects and entomopathogenic microorganisms against H. vitessoides. Future research is needed to deepen the understanding of the basic biology of H. vitessoides and improve the green pest management technology system to effectively control this pest.
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