文 超,张金秋,张晨阳,郭宇豪,王 偲,葛 瑨,温俊宝,,社会性蜂类昆虫认知行为研究进展[J].环境昆虫学报,():
Research progress on cognitive behavior of social bees and wasps
中文关键词:  认知  社会性昆虫    联想学习  工具使用
英文关键词:Cognition  social insects  bees  associative learning  tool use
文 超,张金秋,张晨阳,郭宇豪,王 偲,葛 瑨,温俊宝  
摘要点击次数: 23
全文下载次数: 8
      Research on animal cognition has primarily focused on vertebrates with relatively large brains, such as primates and birds. This paper reviews on the individual and collective cognition of social bees and wasps. Studies suggest that bees and wasps possess flexible cognitive abilities, including associative learning, self-recognition, tool use, and spatial navigation. Bees and wasps exhibit dopamine-based emotional states, which are influenced by food desires and individual experiences. Moreover, they demonstrate complex social cognitive behaviors, such as individual recognition, which is crucial for social interactions within colony. In addition, some bee species have been demonstrated to possess the ability to solve some non-natural tasks though training. These behaviors can spread through social learning, and retained within the population. Finally, the neural basis of cognitive behaviors in bees was reviewed, and the evidence points to the complex neuronal connections as the foundation for their cognitive abilities. This paper reviews recent advancements in the cognitive behaviors of bees and wasps, providing a new perspective on the evolution of animal cognition and behavior.
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