The mating competency and the effect of multiple mating on reproductive fitness of Dastarcus helophoroides Fairmaire (Coleoptera: Bothrideridae)
中文关键词:  花绒寄甲  交配次数  性成熟期  交配能力  生殖适合度
英文关键词:Dastarcus helophoroides  sexual maturity  mating frequency  mating competency  reproductive fitness
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      花绒寄甲Dastarcus helophoroides Fairmaire为天牛类蛀干害虫的优势天敌昆虫,为明确该成虫的交配能力和多次交配行为在该虫种群繁衍中的作用,本文评估了该虫在室内恒定条件下的性成熟期、交配次数、交配持续期和交配间隔期,以及通过设置交配1、5、10和自由交配等4个处理,探讨了多次交配行为对成虫生殖产量的影响。结果表明,花绒寄甲的性成熟期平均为29.35±0.34 d,交配发生时间主要集中在18:00 PM-2:00 AM。在观察期内该虫的平均交配次数为4.49±0.24次,其平均交配持续期为9.27±0.12 min,平均交配间隔期为8.60±0.26 d,且随交配次数的增加呈明显缩短趋势。此外,该虫的产卵量随交配次数的增加从交配1次的227.45±15.32粒/雌增加至自由交配的1 426.03±113.71粒/雌,孵化率从交配1次的68.93%±1.47%增加至自由交配的94.98%±0.90%,这些结果证实了花绒寄甲属典型的夜行性、收入型生殖的、多次交配的昆虫种类,交配能力较弱,但多次交配明显提高了该虫的生殖产量,从而支持精子补充假说。
      The coleopteran parasitoid Dastarcus helophoroides Fairmaire (Coleoptera: Bothrideridae) is considered a dominant natural predator for controlling cerambycid borer pests. In order to clarify the mating competency and the role of multiple mating behavior in the population reproduction of this insect, the sexual maturity, mating frequency, copulation duration and copulation interval of this insect were estimated, then the effect of multiple mating on adult reproductive output were also explored by established four mating treatments of mated 1 time, 5 times, 10 times and free mating under constant conditions in this paper. The results showed that the average sexual maturity period of this insect was 29.35±0.34 d, and the mating behavior was mainly occurred from 18:00 PM to 2:00 AM. During the observation period, the average mating frequency of the insect was 4.49 ± 0.24 days, with an average copulation duration of 9.27 ± 0.12 min and copulation interval of 8.60 ± 0.26 d, which showed a significant shortening trend with increasing mating frequency. Furthermore, with increasing mating frequency, fecundity of this beetle increased from 227.45 ± 15.32 eggs/female for one mating to 1426.03 ± 113.71 eggs/female for free mating, and fertility increased from 68.93 ± 1.47% for one mating to 94.98 ± 0.90% for free mating. These results demonstrate that this beetle belongs to typical nocturnal, income breeding, and multiple mating insect species, and have weaker mating competency. Multiple mating significantly increases the reproductive fitness of this insect, supporting ejaculate replenishment hypothesis.
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