李星星,陈思蓉,黄国嫣,龚占斌,李 超,全 勇,陈国华,张晓明,张金龙,,不同种植模式对苹果园昆虫群落多样性与稳定性的影响[J].环境昆虫学报,():
Effects of different planting patterns on insect community diversity and stability in apple orchards
中文关键词:  苹果园  种植模式  昆虫群落  功能团  群落多样性  群落稳定性
英文关键词:Apple orchards  planting patterns  insect community  functional group  community diversity  community stability
李星星,陈思蓉,黄国嫣,龚占斌,李 超,全 勇,陈国华,张晓明,张金龙  
摘要点击次数: 92
全文下载次数: 27
      为明确不同种植模式对苹果园昆虫群落多样性与稳定性的影响。2022年6-12月于昭通苹果主产区的间作大豆Glycine max、间作紫花苜蓿Medicago sativa、自然生草3种种植模式苹果园中,采用植株调查、网捕调查、黄盘诱集、黄板诱集、食诱剂诱集6种调查方法进行调查。3种种植模式苹果园中共调查到昆虫316 850头,隶属于12目82科189种。双翅目昆虫的物种数和个体数量最多,个体数量占3种果园中调查总个体数量的77%以上,其中优势类群为果蝇科Drosophilidae、蛾蚋科Psychodidae、眼蕈蚊科Sciaridae。3种植模式苹果园中性类群、植食类群、寄生类群的物种组成聚类中,间作大豆果园与间作紫花苜蓿果园均聚为一类;间作紫花苜蓿果园中捕食类群和植食类群的生态位宽度指数更高,分别为17.8401和12.7612,植食类群的生态位宽度指数更低,为10.2868,间作大豆果园中捕食类群和寄生类群的生态位重叠指数为0.7398,较其余果园更低。中性类群的辛普森指数、香农-维纳指数、均匀度,捕食类群的辛普森指数、均匀度,寄生类群的香农-维纳指数均为间作大豆果园和间作紫花苜蓿果园高于自然生草果园;间作紫花苜蓿果园较其余果园Ss/Si波动更小,7月和10月Sa/Sp值更高。本研究明确了双翅目为昭通苹果园中的优势类群,间作大豆苹果园和间作紫花苜蓿苹果园物种组成更为相似,较自然生草果园群落多样性更好,其中间作紫花苜蓿苹果园昆虫群落稳定性最高,研究结果在一定程度上可为苹果园害虫的生态防控提供借鉴。
      To clarify the impact of different planting patterns on the diversity and stability of insect communities in apple orchards, this study was conducted from June to December 2022 in the main apple production area of Zhaotong. Three planting patterns were compared: apple intercropping with soybean orchard (AS), apple intercropping with alfalfa orchard (AA), and natural grass cover (NG). Six survey methods were employed, including plant surveys, net captures, yellow plate trapping, yellow board trapping, and food attractant trapping. A total of 316850 insects belonging to 12 orders, 82 families, and 189 species were surveyed in the three apple orchards. Diptera had the highest species richness and abundance, accounting for over 77% of the total individuals surveyed in all three orchards. The dominant families were Drosophilidae, Psychodidae, and Sciaridae within Diptera. In the clustering of neutral groups, phytophagous groups, and parasitic groups, AA and AS orchards clustered together. The ecological niche width indices for predatory and phytophagous groups in AA orchards were higher at 17.8401 and 12.7612, respectively, compared to 10.2868 for phytophagous groups. The niche overlap index for predatory and parasitic groups in AS orchards was 0.7398, which was lower than the other orchards. The Simpson index, Shannon-Wiener index, and evenness of neutral groups, as well as the Simpson index and evenness of predatory groups, and Shannon-Wiener index of parasitic groups were higher in AS and AA orchards compared to NG orchards. The fluctuation of Ss/Si in AA orchards was smaller than in the other orchards, and Sa/Sp values were higher in July and October. This study clarified that Diptera were the dominant group in Zhaotong apple orchards. Intercropping with soybeans and intercropping with alfalfa orchards resulted in more similar species compositions compared to natural grass orchards, indicating better community diversity. Among them, the insect community stability was highest in the intercropping with alfalfa orchards. The results of this study can provide reference for the ecological control of pests in apple orchards.
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