Effect of combining modified atmosphere with nitrogen and deoxidizer on the survival of Ephestia elutella
投稿时间:2024-07-15  修订日期:2024-09-15
中文关键词:  充氮气调  脱氧剂  烟草螟  死亡率
英文关键词:modified atmosphere with nitrogen  oxygen absorber  Ephestia elutella  mortality
刘思琦 河南工业大学 河南郑州高新区河南工业大学粮食和物资储备学院, 450001
吕建华* 河南工业大学 
马冰慧 河南工业大学 
宋纪真 中国烟草总公司郑州烟草研究院 郑州市高新区中国烟草总公司郑州烟草研究院, 450001
奚家勤 中国烟草总公司郑州烟草研究院 
李玉娥 吉林烟草工业有限责任公司 
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      为明确不同体积分数氮气与不同剂量脱氧剂对烟草螟Ephestia elutella死亡率的影响,本文以4种虫态的烟草螟为研究对象,分别研究不同氮气体积分数与脱氧剂联合处理对烟草螟的控制作用效果。研究结果表明:不同氮气体积分数联合不同脱氧剂剂量和不同处理时间对烟草螟死亡率有显著影响。在氮气体积分数相同条件下,烟草螟各虫态死亡率总体上均随脱氧剂剂量增加和时间延长而升高。在氮气体积分数、脱氧剂剂量和处理时间相同条件下,烟草螟各虫态死亡率为:成虫>幼虫>卵>蛹。
      In order to determine the effects of different volume fractions of nitrogen and different doses of deoxidizer on the mortality of Ephestia elutella, the control effect of combined treatment with different volume fractions of nitrogen and deoxidizer on the common stored grain pest of Ephestia elutella was studied. The results showed that different nitrogen volume fraction combined with different deoxidizer dosage and different treatment time had significant effects on the mortality of Ephestia elutella. Under the condition of the same nitrogen volume fraction, the mortality of each insect state of the Ephestia elutella generally increased with the increase of deoxidizer dose and time. Under the same nitrogen volume fraction, deoxidizer dose and treatment time, the mortality rate of each insect state was adult > larva > egg > pupa.
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