Repellent and insecticidal activity of Gardenia jasminoides essential oil against Zeugodacus cucurbitae adults
投稿时间:2024-05-23  修订日期:2024-09-26
中文关键词:  瓜实蝇  植物精油  产卵驱避  毒杀活性
英文关键词:Zeugodacus cucurbitae  plant essential oil  oviposition avoidance  poisoning activity
侯佳辉 河南科技大学 河南省洛阳市河南科技大学开元校区
赵伊丹 河南科技大学 
陈根强 河南科技大学 
刘欢* 河南科技大学 河南省洛阳市河南科技大学开元校区
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      瓜实蝇是一种危害多种瓜果蔬菜的重要农业害虫,因其产卵隐蔽、幼虫蛀果为害,导致防治工作极其困难。为筛选出对瓜实蝇成虫具有驱避及毒杀活性的植物精油,本研究测定了11种芳香植物精油对瓜实蝇成虫的驱避活性和毒杀活性,旨在为绿色高效防控瓜实蝇奠定理论基础。首先采用Y型嗅觉仪行为选择法,研究了不同植物精油对瓜实蝇的行为驱避活性;然后采用果实喷雾法方法,研究了不同植物精油对瓜实蝇产卵驱避活性;最后通过药膜触杀法和胃毒法,研究了驱避活性最高的植物精油对瓜实蝇的毒杀活性。结果表明,在供试的11种精油中,栀子花精油对瓜实蝇行为选择和产卵驱避活性最强,在200 μL/mL时产卵驱避率高达94.69±2.36%;栀子花精油在35 mg/mL时对瓜实蝇成虫的触杀和胃毒死亡率分别为92.00±4.36%和94.00±2.46%,且雄虫比雌虫死亡率更高。本研究发现栀子花精油对瓜实蝇成虫有显著的驱避和毒杀活性,为开发瓜实蝇绿色高效行为调控剂及毒杀剂提供理论依据。
      Abstract: The melon fruit fly, Zeugodacus cucurbitae Coquillett, was a significant agricultural pest that threatened a variety of cucurbitaceous fruits and vegetables. Its concealed oviposition and larval fruit boring made control efforts extremely challenging. To establish a theoretical foundation for the green and efficient control of this pest, this study determined the repellent and toxic activities of 11 aromatic plant essential oils (EOs) against adult Z. cucurbitae. Initially, a Y-tube olfactometer bioassay was used to investigate the behavioral repellent activity of different plant EOs on melon flies. Subsequently, the oviposition repellent activity of these EOs was assessed through fruit spraying method. Finally, the highest repellent EO were tested for their toxic activity against melon flies using a contact toxicity method and a stomach toxicity method. The results indicated that among the 11 tested essential oils, Gardenia jasminoides Ellis EO exhibited the strongest repellent activity against both behavioral choice and oviposition deterrence in melon flies, with an oviposition deterrence rate as high as 94.69±2.36% at a concentration of 200 μL/mL. At a concentration of 35 mg/mL, the contact mortality rate of adult melon flies treated with G.jasminoides Ellis EO was 92.00±4.36%, with LC50 values of 15.289 mg/mL for females and 10.705 mg/mL for males. The stomach toxicity mortality rate was 94.00±2.46%, with LC50 values of 16.169 and 6.901 mg/mL for female and male adults, respectively. This study revealed that G.jasminoides Ellis EO had significant repellent and toxic activities against adult melon flies, providing a theoretical basis for the development of environmentally friendly and efficient behavioral regulators and insecticides targeting this pest.
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