Transfer characteristics and effects of cadmium in noctuidae insects-stink bug Arma chinensis
中文关键词:  重金属传递  Cd胁迫  草地贪夜蛾  斜纹夜蛾  蠋蝽
英文关键词:Heavy metal transfer  cadmium stress  Spodoptera litura  Spodoptera frugiperda  Arma chinensis
吴凯旋,陈瑾,黄诗敏,舒迎花 1. 农业农村部华南热带农业环境重点实验室广州 510642
2. 华南农业大学资源环境学院生态学系广州 510642
3. 贵州师范大学生命科学学院贵阳 550025 
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      土壤镉(Cd)污染不仅危害植物,还会通过植物吸收进入食物链进而影响植食性昆虫及其天敌。本研究使用含不同Cd浓度(0、4.06 mg/kg和40.6 mg/kg)的人工饲料饲喂斜纹夜蛾Spodoptera litura和草地贪夜蛾Spodoptera frugiperda幼虫,发育至蛹,以蛹饲养其捕食性天敌蠋蝽Arma chinensis,研究了Cd在夜蛾科昆虫—蠋蝽的传递特征及其影响。结果表明:斜纹夜蛾和草地贪夜蛾对Cd的摄取量、排泄量和积累量,蠋蝽对Cd的摄取量和积累量均与人工饲料中Cd浓度呈剂量反应,即随着饲料中Cd浓度增加而增加。饲料—夜蛾科昆虫Cd的生物浓缩系数(BCF)大于1,这表明夜蛾科昆虫会生物放大Cd,而夜蛾科昆虫蛹—蠋蝽Cd的生物放大系数(BMF)小于1,这表示发生了Cd生物稀释作用。4.06 mg/kg Cd胁迫显著降低草地贪夜蛾幼虫相对生长率(RGR),而对斜纹夜蛾RGR没有影响,这与体内Cd积累量和BCF显著相关;40.6 mg/kg Cd胁迫显著改变夜蛾科昆虫的食物利用,抑制幼虫生长发育,降低取食斜纹夜蛾蛹的蠋蝽体重,但Cd胁迫对蠋蝽存活没有影响。因此,尽管Cd在植食性昆虫—捕食者没有生物放大作用,但仍然存在生物毒性效应。
      Soil cadmium (Cd) pollution not only harms plants but also affects phytophagous insects and their natural enemies through plant absorption into the food chain. In this paper, the transfer characteristics, and effects of Cd in noctuidae insect-stink bug Arma chinensis were studied by feeding Spodoptera litura and Spodoptera frugiperda to pupae with artificial diets adding different Cd concentrations (0, 4.06 mg/kg and 40.6 mg/kg), and then rearing A. chinensis with above pupae. The results showed that the Cd uptake, excretion, and accumulation of S. litura and S. frugiperda, and Cd uptake and accumulation of A. chinensis were dose-response to Cd concentrations in diet, namely increasing with the increase of Cd concentrations in the diet. The bioconcentration factor (BCF) of the diet to noctuidae insects was greater than 1, indicating that noctuidae insects biomagnified Cd, whereas the biomagnification factor (BMF) of noctuidae insects’ pupae to A. chinensis was less than 1, indicating that Cd bio-dilution has occurred. 4.06 mg/kg Cd stress significantly reduced the relative growth rate (RGR) of S. frugiperda larvae but had no effect on the RGR of S. litura, which was significantly correlated with insect Cd accumulation and BCF. 40.6 mg/kg Cd stress significantly changed the food utilization, inhibited larval growth and development of noctuid insects, and reduced the weight of A. chinensis feeding on S. litura pupae, but Cd stress had no effect on the survival of A. chinensis. Therefore, although Cd has no biomagnification in phytophagous insects-predators, there are still biotoxic effects.
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