Studies on the suitability of the Hap1 type Aphis gossypii on six species of Asteraceae
中文关键词:  菊科植物  杂草  棉蚜  寄主  生命表  发育历期
英文关键词:Compositae plants  weeds  Aphis gossypii  host  life table  development phase
季静,鲍安,杨益众,张帅 扬州大学植物保护学院江苏扬州 225009 
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      棉蚜Aphis gossypii Glover是严重危害农作物的多食性害虫,其种群已出现明显的分化。为明确Hap1型棉蚜对早春菊科Asteraceae植物的适合度,本研究用生命表参数评价了Hap1型棉蚜在苦荬菜Ixeris polycephala、泥胡菜Hemisteptia lyrata、蒲公英Taraxacum mongolicum、茼蒿Glebionis coronaria、莴苣Lactuca sativa和续断菊Sonchus asper等6种早春菊科植物上的生长和发育情况。研究结果发现,Hap1型棉蚜能在上述6种菊科植物上成功建立种群,但生命表参数存在差异。其中Hap1型棉蚜在茼蒿、苦荬菜和泥胡菜上的产仔天数均大于8 d,平均单头单日产仔数量在2.5头以上,寿命均大于16 d。Hap1型棉蚜在莴苣和续断菊上产仔天数为6 d左右,平均单头单日产仔数量分别为3.09头和1.72头,寿命为14 d左右。取食蒲公英的Hap1型棉蚜上产仔天数为2 d,平均单头单日产仔数量1.46头,在第8天死亡率就超过60%,寿命为6.74 d。研究结果表明,在上述6种菊科植物中,苦荬菜、泥胡菜和茼蒿是Hap1棉蚜的适宜寄主,莴苣和续断菊是Hap1棉蚜的较适宜寄主,而蒲公英则不是Hap1型棉蚜的适宜寄主。本研究为进一步阐明Hap1型棉蚜寄主转移规律提供了科学依据,同时为制定棉蚜的绿色防控技术奠定了理论基础。
      Aphis gossypii Glover is a polyphagous pest that causes significant damage to crops, and its populations have diverged significantly. In order to assess the suitability of Hap1 type A. gossypii for early spring Asteraceae, the growth and development of Hap1 type A. gossypii were observed on six early spring Asteraceae species. These species included Ixeris polycephala, Hemisteptia lyrata, Taraxacum mongolicum, Glebionis coronaria, Lactuca sativa, and Sonchus asper. The study's results showed that Hap1 type A. gossypii successfully established populations on the six above-mentioned species of Asteraceae, with differences observed in their life table parameters. Hap1 type A. gossypii was able to establish on G. coronaria, I. polycephala, and H. lyrata, but with variations in the life table parameters. When feeding on L. sativa and S. asper, Hap1 type A. gossypii had a litter size of approximately 6 days, with an average litter size of 3.09 and 1.72 per head per day, respectively, and a lifespan of around 14 days. Days were spent observing Hap1 type A. gossypii as they fed on T. mongolicum for 2 days, with an average of 1.46 pups per head per day. The mortality rate exceeded 60% on day 8, and the lifespan was 6.74 days. The study results revealed that out of the six species of Asteraceae mentioned, I. polycephala, H. lyrata, and G. coronaria were found to be suitable hosts for Hap1 A. gossypii. L. sativa and S. asper were also identified as hosts for Hap1 A. gossypii, whereas T. mongolicum was shown to be unsuitable as a host for Hap1 A. gossypii. This study serves as a scientific foundation for further understanding the host transfer patterns of Hap1 type A. gossypii, and also establishes a theoretical basis for the development of environmentally friendly prevention and control technology for A. gossypii.
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