Response of Hermetia illucens L. to zinc ion stress based on transcriptome sequencing technology
中文关键词:  黑水虻幼虫  锌胁迫  转录组  差异基因  信号通路
英文关键词:Hermetia illucens larvae  zinc stress  transcriptome  differentially expressed genes  signal pathways
徐晨露,李笑驹,孙虹霞,夏嫱 遵义医科大学珠海校区广东珠海 519041 
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      黑水虻Hermetia illucens L.是世界范围内重要资源昆虫,过量锌离子(Zn2+)胁迫会对其幼虫的生长发育产生影响,而转录组分析有助于揭示Zn2+胁迫影响黑水虻幼虫发育的分子机制。本试验以不同浓度Zn2+(75、150、300、1 200 mg/kg)对黑水虻幼虫进行连续5代胁迫,利用Illumina HiSeq 4 000高通量测序平台对第5代6龄幼虫转录组进行测序及分析。结果显示,Zn2+胁迫影响了第5代黑水虻幼虫的基因表达水平,75、150、300和1 200 mg/kg Zn2+处理幼虫中上调/下调的差异表达基因分别是1 293 / 1 839、1 277 / 2 306、1 080 / 1 966和1 444 / 2 170个;GO富集分析结果表明,差异表达基因在细胞过程中所占比例最大,细胞组分中主要是细胞和细胞成分,分子功能中主要为催化活性和细胞结合;KEGG富集差异分析显示,75 mg/kg Zn2+胁迫下差异表达基因主要富集在免疫相关反应、免疫相关信号传导途径及脂类物质代谢,300 mg/kg Zn2+处理组差异表达基因主要富集在氨基酸代谢和碳水化合物代谢;1 200 mg/kg Zn2+胁迫下氨基酸和脂类代谢、免疫相关反应和生长均受到严重影响,这些富集的与上述有关的差异基因大多表达下调。本研究表明,Zn2+胁迫影响了黑水虻幼虫基因表达,高浓度Zn2+胁迫基因表达影响尤为显著,主要表现在细胞过程、催化活性和结合的基因表达下调;高浓度Zn2+胁迫还导致了黑水虻幼虫免疫系统、环境相关信号传导途径和脂质代谢等的紊乱。
      Hermetia illucens is a globally significant resource insect. Excessive zinc ion (Zn2+) stress can adversely affect the growth and development of its larvae. Transcriptome analysis provides insights into the molecular mechanisms underlying the impact of Zn2+ stress on black hydra larvae. In this study, successive generations of Black Hydra larvae were subjected to different concentrations of Zn2+ (75, 150, 300, 1 200 mg/kg) stress, and the transcriptome of 6th instar larvae from the 5th generation was sequenced and analyzed by Illumina HiSeq 4000 high-throughput sequencing platform. The results showed that Zn2+ stress affected the gene expression in the fifth generation H. illucens larvae. Differentially expressed genes were observed in larvae treated with 75, 150, 300 and 1 200 mg/kg Zn2+, with counts ranging from 1 293/1 839 to 1 444/2 170 respectively. GO enrichment analysis indicated that differentially expressed genes primarily affected cellular processes and components such as cells and cell components; while molecular functions mainly involved catalytic activity and cell binding. KEGG enrichment differential analysis revealed that under 75 mg/kg Zn2+ stress, the differentially expressed genes were predominantly enriched in immune-related reactions, immune-related signal transduction pathways, and lipid metabolism. Conversely, under 300 mg/kg Zn2+ treatment, the differentially expressed genes were primarily enriched in amino acid metabolism and carbohydrate metabolism. Under 1 200 mg/kg Zn2+ stress, there was a significant impact on amino acid and lipid metabolism, immune-related reactions, and growth in H. illucens larvae. Most of these enriched differential genes associated with the aforementioned processes exhibited down-regulation. Therefore, Zn2+ stress exerted an influence on the expression of differential genes in H. illucens larvae; particularly at high concentrations of Zn2+, which mainly affected cell processes, catalytic activity, combined gene expression resulting mostly in down-regulation. Additionally, high concentrations of Zn2+ stress disrupted the immune system as well as environment-related signal transduction pathways and lipid metabolism in H. illucens larvae.
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