Research on material temperature monitoring and early warning strategy under high density breeding condition of Black Soldier Fly (BSF)
中文关键词:  鸡粪  黑水虻  高密度  养殖料温  预警策略
英文关键词:Chicken manure  Black Soldier Fly  high density  material temperature  early warning strategy
宋瑜,叶小梅,孔祥平,王聪,马秋琴,朱飞,杜静 1. 江苏大学农业工程学院江苏镇江 2120132. 江苏省农业科学院畜牧研究所农业农村部种养结合重点实验室江苏省有机固体废弃物资源化协同创新中心南京 210014 
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      采用实验室盒养方式,在高密度投虫工况下,考察不同深度料温、不同料温监测方式以及不同监测点位等因素对黑水虻Hermetia illucens转化鸡粪原料过程中料温监测效果的影响,以期优选出更有效的黑水虻养殖料温监测预警策略。结果表明,黑水虻养殖物料表面温度明显高于其余深度,随着物料深度增加呈逐渐降低趋势,并且各深度料温与表面料温呈正相关关系(P<0.05);热电阻、红外传感器和红外热成像等不同测温方式均可以测量料温,通过对非接触测温方式与热电阻实测物料表面温度进行相关性分析发现,红外传感器测温方式具有更好的相关性,其二次多项式拟合方程精度最高(R2=0.952);从不同测温位置效果分析,整个养殖周期中心点平均料温明显高于四周,可作为黑水虻养殖料温高温预警的主要监测点。该研究结果为后续研究料温调控策略和黑水虻养殖环境智能控制系统提供了科学依据。
      To identify more effective strategies for monitoring material temperature in Black Soldier Fly breeding, the study examined the impact of material temperature depth, monitoring methods, and locations on the monitoring effectiveness during the conversion of chicken manure into feedstock. This was conducted under high-density feeding conditions in a laboratory setting. The findings revealed that the surface temperature of black soldier fly breeding materials was notably higher than at other depths, decreasing as the depth increased, and there was a positive correlation between surface and depth temperatures (P<0.05). Thermal resistance, infrared sensors, and thermal imaging were all effective in measuring material temperature. Correlation analysis with thermal resistance measurements showed that infrared sensors provided superior correlations, with the quadratic polynomial equation demonstrating the highest accuracy (R2=0.952). Temperature measurements at different locations indicated that the average center temperature throughout the breeding cycle was significantly higher than at the periphery, making it a key monitoring point for high-temperature early warnings in black soldier fly breeding. These results offer a scientific foundation for further research into material temperature control strategies and an intelligent control system for black soldier fly breeding environments.
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