The phototaxis and photophobia of Callosobruchus maculatus Fabricius and Acanthoscelides obtectus Say to light of different wavelengths and intensities
中文关键词:  四纹豆象  菜豆象  趋光性  光照强度  单色光  仓储害虫
英文关键词:Callosobruchus maculatus Fabricius  Acanthoscelides obtectus Say  phototaxis  monochromatic light  stored product insect pests
商颖婕,倪美虹,蒋明星 浙江大学昆虫科学研究所/农业农村部农业昆虫学重点实验室/浙江省作物病虫生物学与生态调控重点实验室杭州 310058 
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      四纹豆象Callosobruchus maculatus Fabricius和菜豆象Acanthoscelides obtectus Say(鞘翅目:豆象科)是我国农业上的重要检疫性害虫,但两者的趋光性尚未见详细报道。本研究通过室内行为学试验,测定了豆象成虫对5种单色光和不同强度黑光灯光源的趋光率、避光率差异,并观察模拟开舱场景下货物所携带豆象成虫在室内光下的分布情况,以探究利用特定光源诱集这两种豆象成虫的可能性。结果表明,四纹豆象和菜豆象对各单色光源均存在正趋性,趋光率分别为8.9%~36.6%和20.5%~33.3%。在各单色光中,绿光(520 nm)对四纹豆象的诱集效果相对较好,该波长下雌成虫和雄成虫趋光率分别达24.4%和36.6%。而蓝光(460 nm)和红光(620 nm)分别对菜豆象雌成虫和雄成虫的诱集效果最好,该波长处两者趋光率皆超过32%;菜豆象成虫对各光照强度黑光灯的趋光率均超50%,远高于四纹豆象;模拟试验发现,光刺激时长可显著影响货物中豆象成虫分布,以见光1 h内豆粒表面以及纸箱内壁可见豆象成虫相对较多。由此可见,四纹豆象和菜豆象对部分光源波长及光照强度有较明显的趋性,其趋光特性存在性别间差异;一定强度的黑光灯可用于菜豆象的诱集,但对四纹豆象无明显诱集效果。本研究结果为两种豆象利用趋光性进行检验检疫提供参考。
      Callosobruchus maculatus Fabricius and Acanthoscelides obtectus Say (Cleoptera, Bruchidae) are important quarantine insect pests in agriculture in China. However, the phototaxis of both species has not been documented, and it is not clear whether light trap could be used for detecting or controlling them. To address this gap, we examined the phototactic responses of their adults to an array of monochromatic lights and varying light intensities. Furthermore, we observed the distribution patterns of adult C. maculatus and A. obtectus carried in goods under simulated cabin opening scenarios, aiming to determine the feasibility of adopting specific light sources to trap these beetles. The results showed that both C. maculatus and A. obtectus had positive phototaxis to each of the five monochromatic light sources, with the phototaxis rates ranging from 8.9% to 36.6% and 20.5% to 33.3%, respectively. Notably, among the monochromatic lights tested, the green light (520 nm) was most attractant for C. maculates adults, eliciting phototatic rates of 24.4% and 36.6% in female and males, respectively. However, A. obtectus adults prefered blue light (460 nm) among females and red light (620 nm) among males, both achieving phototactic rates exceeding 32%. Both sexes of A. obtectus showed a strong preference to the black light, achieving phototactic rates over 50% across all three tested light intensities, which were significantly higher than those of C. maculatus. Additionally, we discovered that the duration of exposure to light following simulated cargo hold opening had a profound impact on the spatial distribution of adult beetles, with the highest proportion of adults occurring on grain surface or walls of the container within the first hour. In conclusion, C. maculatus and A. obtectus had certain phototactic behaviors towards some light wavelengths, suggesting the potential of exploiting these behaviors in quarantine inspections and pest managements.
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