Entry quarantine bean weevils intercepted in imported grains
中文关键词:  口岸  豆象  生物入侵  植物检疫  风险分析
英文关键词:Ports  bean weevil  biological invasion  plant quarantine  risk analysis
徐强,吴晓薇,陈芳,颜素娟,李新浩,马骏 1. 广州海关技术中心广州 5106232. 从化海关综合技术服务中心广州 5109003. 广州白云机场海关综合技术服务中心广州 510400 
摘要点击次数: 1615
全文下载次数: 132
      我国是粮食进口大国,口岸截获的检疫性豆象疫情频发,对粮谷安全构成严重威胁。2015 - 2018年,国内口岸截获至少19种豆象类害虫,其中绿豆象截获批次最高。这些豆象主要随进口豆类等粮谷传播,来源复杂,数量大。截获数据显示,缅甸、越南和泰国是截获豆象来源最多的国家,昆明、深圳和南京海关是主要截获口岸。豆象种类多,寄生多种豆类,不同豆象对不同寄主的危害特点也有差异。为有效防控豆象传入和扩散,加强口岸检疫和监测至关重要。
      China is a major grain importer, and the frequent detection of quarantine bean weevil at ports poses a serious threat to grain security. From 2015 to 2018, domestic ports intercepted at least 19 species of bean weevil pests, with the highest number of interceptions being Callosobruchus chinensis. These bean weevils are primarily transmitted by imported legumes and other grains, originating from a variety of complex sources and in large quantities. Quarantine data indicates that Myanmar, Vietnam, and Thailand are among the top countries in terms of bean weevil interceptions, with Kunming, Shenzhen, and Nanjing customs being the primary ports of interception. There are various species of bean weevils, and they parasitize on various types of beans. The damage caused by different bean weevils to different hosts also varies. Efforts to strengthen quarantine inspection and monitoring are crucial to effectively prevent and control the introduction and spread of bean weevils.
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