徐钦望,徐强,任利利,骆有庆,SATHYAPALA Shiroma,ROQUES Alain,2024,全球森林入侵害虫的扫描筛选与初步分析[J].环境昆虫学报,(5):1025-1034
Scanning, screening, and preliminary analysis of global major invasive forest insect pests
中文关键词:  生物入侵  名录  潜在入侵生物  预警  管制性有害生物
英文关键词:Biological invasion  checklist  potential invasive species  early warning  regulated pest
徐钦望,徐强,任利利,骆有庆,SATHYAPALA Shiroma,ROQUES Alain 1. 北京林业大学林木有害生物防治北京市重点实验室北京 1000832. 广州海关技术中心广州 5106233. 联合国粮食及农业组织林业司罗马 001534. 法国农业食品与环境研究院森林动物研究所奥尔良 450755. 北京林业大学和法国农业食品与环境研究院中法欧亚森林入侵生物联合实验室北京 100083和奥尔良 45075 
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      全球亟需加强森林入侵害虫的情报信息交流,并大力提高预防生物入侵的能力。为明确全球森林入侵害虫发生现状,分析我国潜在森林入侵害虫风险,本研究对全球各类入侵生物与新发植物有害生物等信息资源进行了系统性扫描,筛选其中的森林害虫种类,建立全球性的森林入侵害虫名录,分析名录物种类群占比,并明确物种在全球的入侵与受管制情况以及在我国的分布情况。研究共获得全球主要的森林入侵、新发与管制性害虫315种,并获取了全部物种的种名、分类阶元、寄主树木、受管制国家、入侵国家等信息。从名录物种在目级分类阶元上的占比看,鞘翅目Coleoptera和半翅目Hemiptera占比分别为45.4%和27.3%;科级分类阶元上,象甲科Curculionidae占比最高,为25.1%。315种害虫的寄主树木中,35.6%为松科Pinaceae树木,占比最高。入侵或被管制国家数量 ≥ 10个的森林害虫共44种。全部害虫中,18种害虫尚未被我国的国门生物安全基础数据信息资源平台收录;我国已有分布的害虫151种,现无分布的害虫164种;尚无分布的害虫中仅有48种被列入了我国的进境植物检疫性有害生物名录。本研究为全球森林入侵害虫预警与我国潜在森林入侵害虫名录的建立等工作奠定了物种信息基础。
      There is an urgent need globally to strengthen information communications on invasive forest pests and to improve the ability to prevent biological invasions vigorously. To know the current invasion situation of global forest insect pests and analyze the risks of potential invasive forest insect pests in China, we systematically scanned various information resources on invasive species and emerging plant pests worldwide, screened for forest insect pest species, and established a global list of invasive forest insect pests. Then, we analyzed the proportion of species' taxon in the list, and clarified each species' invasion situation globally, regulated situation globally, and their distribution in China. The study obtained 315 global major invasive, emerging, and regulated forest insect pests and obtained information on the species names, taxon, host trees, regulated countries, and invaded countries of all species. At the order level, Coleoptera and Hemiptera accounted for 45.4% and 27.3% of the listed species, respectively. At the family level, Curculionidae accounted for the highest proportion of 25.1%. Among the host trees of 315 pests, 35.6% were Pinaceae trees, accounting for the highest proportion. A total of 44 forest pests invaded in or were regulated by more than 10 countries. Among all species, 18 species were not included in the Chinese national border bio-safety basic data information resource platform. 151 pests were already distributed in China, while 164 were not. Only 48 species of above 164 pests were included in the catalogue of quarantine pests for import plants to the People's Republic of China. This study lays a species information foundation for global early warning of forest invasive pests and establishing a list of potential invasive forest pests in China.
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