In this experiment, a total of 18 insecticides were selected to assess the virulence of field-collected Frankliniella intonsa of alfalfa. The combined virulence of thiamethoxam 21 % SC and 17 other insecticides was evaluated using co-toxicity factor and co-toxicity coefficient. Subsequently, the combination exhibiting relatively preferable synergis
投稿时间:2024-04-16  修订日期:2024-09-10
中文关键词:  花蓟马  21%噻虫嗪悬浮剂  共毒系数  增效作用
英文关键词:Frankliniella intonsa, thiamethoxam, co-toxicity coefficient, synergism
任俊林 固原市原州区农业机械化推广服务中心 宁夏回族自治区固原市原州区农业机械化推广服务中心
赵文军 固原市原州区农业机械化推广服务中心 
蒲振庭 固原市原州区农业机械化推广服务中心 
王新谱* 宁夏大学农学院 宁夏回族自治区银川市西夏区489号
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      为筛选出对苜蓿花蓟马Frankliniella intonsa高效的杀虫剂组合及配比,本试验选择18种杀虫剂对田间采集的苜蓿花蓟马进行了毒力测定,并利用共毒因子和共毒系数对21 %噻虫嗪悬浮剂与17种杀虫剂复配组合的联合毒力进行评价,选择增效作用相对较好的配比组合进行了田间试验。结果表明:18种杀虫剂毒力测定中,LC50最低的为乙基多杀菌素,最高的为溴氰菊酯,48 h LC50分别为 0.03 mg/L和 189.31 mg/L。除噻虫嗪与溴氰菊酯复配组合外,其余组合共毒因子均大于20,噻虫嗪与甲维盐和虫螨腈复配,增效作用相对较好。噻虫嗪与甲维盐、噻虫嗪与虫螨腈1:4和2:3的复配组合增效作用明显,共毒系数分别为749.6、467.8、572.8和390.1,LC50分别为2.78 mg/L、3.25 mg/L、0.59 mg/L和1.02 mg/L。进一步的田间药效试验显示,所有复配组合防效在施药后3 d达到最大值,显著优于单剂噻虫嗪。21 %噻虫嗪悬浮剂+5 %甲维盐微乳剂(1:4)的组合防治增效最显著,防效高达92.23 %,显著提高了6.31 %~10.18 %;药后7 d,防效仍在80.00 %以上,在生产上有很好的推广应用价值。
      In this experiment, a total of 18 insecticides were selected to assess the virulence of field-collected Frankliniella intonsa of alfalfa. The combined virulence of thiamethoxam 21 % SC and 17 other insecticides was evaluated using co-toxicity factor and co-toxicity coefficient. Subsequently, the combination exhibiting relatively preferable synergistic effects was selected for field experiments. The results of toxicity measurement indicate that among the 18 types of pesticides, the lowest LC50 was spinetoram, while the highest was deltamethrin. The respective values for 48-hour LC50 were determined to be 0.03 mg/L and 189.31 mg/L. With the exception of thiamethoxam combined with deltamethrin, all other combinations displayed co-toxic factors exceeding 20. The synergistic effect of thiamethoxam combined with emamectin benzoate and chlorfenapyr was relatively better. Specifically, significant synergistic effects were observed in combinations such as thiamethoxam and emamectin benzoate, thiamethoxam and chlorfenapthier at ratios of 1:4 and 2:3 respectively, yielding co-toxicity coefficients of 749.6, 467.8, 572.8 and 390.1; along with corresponding LC50 values of approximately 2.78 mg/L, 3.25 mg/L ,0 .59mg /L ,and1 .02mg /L. Further field efficacy tests revealed that all combinations reached their maximum efficacy at 3 days post-application, surpassing that of individual doses(thiamethoxam 21% SC) significantly. Notably, the combination of thiamethoxam 21% SC and emamectin benzoate 5% ME (in a ratio of 1:4) exhibited the most pronounced control effect with an efficacy rate as high as 92.23%, representing an increase by 6.31 %~10.18 %. Even after 7 days, the control effect remained above 80%, indicating its promising application value in production.
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