Comparative analysis of metabolites in different resistant plants of Aquilaria sinensis
中文关键词:  白木香  黄野螟  植物挥发性物质  非靶向代谢组
英文关键词:Aquilaria sinensis Lour.  Heortia vitessoides Moore  plant volatiles  untargeted metabolome
陈彧,周国英,陈国德,饶丹丹,董晓娜,韩豫 1. 海南省林业科学研究院(海南省红树林研究院)海口 5711002. 中南林业科技大学生命科学与技术学院长沙 410004 
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      白木香Aquilaria sinensis Lour.为国家濒危保护植物,在其受创伤后产生的沉香是一种珍贵药材和香料,而黄野螟Heortia vitessoides Moore虫害的频繁发生严重影响了沉香产业的发展。为了探究白木香对黄野螟的抗虫生理机制,本研究利用指标含量测定、GC-MS分析及非靶向性代谢组学分析等方法,对6种不同抗虫性植株叶片的理化性质、挥发性物质及差异代谢产物进行对比分析。结果表明,抗虫植株(A01)的单宁酸含量(0.39 mg/g)、类黄酮含量(1.48 mg/g)最高,而可溶性蛋白含量(4.5 mg/g)和可溶性糖含量(6.7 mg/g)最低。白木香感虫植株(S)诱虫成分含量显著高于其它5个植株,而驱虫成分含量显著低于其它5个植株。白木香抗虫植株叶片中的营养物质和挥发性成分与普通感虫植株具有明显差异,抗虫植株叶片中的营养物质和诱虫活性挥发性成分偏低而驱虫活性挥发性成分普遍偏高。抗虫植株与普通感虫植株的差异代谢产物主要集中在黄酮与黄酮醇生物合成、苯丙氨酸生物合成、苯丙氨酸代谢、酪氨酸代谢和异喹啉生物碱生物合成通路。本研究可为确定白木香的抗虫机制及今后发掘新型无公害的黄野螟防控方法提供理论指导。
      Aquilaria sinensis Lour. is a nationally endangered protected plant, and the incense produced after its traumatization is a kind of precious medicinal herbs and spices, while the frequent occurrence of the Heortia vitessoides Moore pest has seriously affected the development of the incense industry. To explore the anti-insect physiological mechanism of A. sinensis, the present study was conducted to compare and analyze the physicochemical properties, volatiles, and differential metabolites of the leaves of six plants with different anthelmintic resistance by using indicator content determination, GC-MS analysis, and non-targeted metabolomics analysis. The results showed that the insect-resistant plant (A01) had the highest content of tannins (0.39 mg/g) and flavonoids (1.48 mg/g), while the lowest content of soluble proteins (4.5 mg/g) and soluble sugars (6.7 mg/g). Insect attractant content was significantly higher and repellent content was significantly lower in A. sinensis susceptible plants (S) than in the other 5 plants. The nutrients and volatile components in the leaves of the insect-resistant plants of A. sinensis differed significantly from those of the common insect-susceptible plants, with the nutrients and insect-inducing active volatile components in the leaves of the insect-resistant plants being low, while the repellent active volatile components were generally high. Differential metabolites between insect-resistant and common insect-susceptible plants focused on flavonoid and flavonol biosynthesis, phenylalanine biosynthesis, phenylalanine metabolism, tyrosine metabolism, and isoquinoline alkaloid biosynthesis pathways. The results of this study can provide theoretical guidance for determining the insect-resistant mechanism of A. sinensis and exploring new pollution-free prevention and control methods of H. vitessoides in the future.
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