Effects of four plant secondary compounds on the resistance to the trichlorphon-resistant strains of Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel)
中文关键词:  橘小实蝇  植物次生物质  敌百虫  抗药性
英文关键词:Bactrocera dorsalis(Hendel)  plant secondary compounds  trichlorphon  resistance
高舟,蔡心妍,齐易香,陆永跃 1. 华南农业大学植物保护学院广州 5106422. 安徽省芜湖市白蚁防治管理所安徽芜湖 241000 
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      为明确各种植物次生物质对橘小实蝇Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel)抗药性的影响,本研究以室内选育的橘小实蝇对敌百虫高抗品系为研究对象,使用不同剂量的芸香苷、槲皮素、2-十三烷酮、单宁酸等4种植物次生物质分别连续饲喂3代该品系成虫和幼虫,采用药膜法测定毒力,获得抗性倍数和抗性增长率,分析明确植物次生物质种类、剂量与橘小实蝇抗药性发展之间关系。研究结果表明4种物质中较高浓度芸香苷处理橘小实蝇对敌百虫的抗性明显增强,总体呈现处理代次越多抗药性增强程度越大的趋势。F1代0.05%、0.25%芸香苷剂量处理抗性倍数分别为198.05、172.13,明显高于对照(110.61),抗性增长率分别为1.79、1.56;F2代0.01%、0.05%、0.25%剂量处理抗性倍数由对照的89.49分别增大至137.20、146.38、171.48,其抗性增长率分别为1.53、1.64、1.92;F3代0.01%、0.05%、0.25%剂量下抗性倍数由对照的61.33分别增大至128.12、137.23、211.36,其抗性增长率明显增大(2.09、2.24、3.45)。部分浓度单宁酸处理增强或者降低了橘小实蝇对敌百虫的抗性,F1代0.002%浓度处理时抗性增长率为1.60,而F2代0.25%、F3代0.05%、0.25%浓度处理时抗性增长率降低至0.68、0.70和0.67。槲皮素、2-十三烷酮多个浓度处理多代均未对橘小实蝇抗敌百虫品系的抗药性产生影响。本研究显示一些植物次生物质可对橘小实蝇抗药性产生正面或者负面的影响,其作用与物质种类、浓度、接触时间等有关。
      To clarify the effects of the plant secondary compounds on the resistance of Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel) to insecticides, the laboratory trichlorphon-resistant strain of B. dorsalis was took as a research object in this paper, and the different doses of rutin, quercetin, 2-tridecanone, and tannic were used to feed the adults and larvae of that strain for three generations continuously. The toxicity of the trichlorphon to B. dorsalis was determined 〖HJ50x〗by the film method, and the resistance multiple (Rm) and the growth rate of resistance (GR) were calculated on the toxicity. The relationship between the kind, dose of the plant secondary compounds and the development of insecticide resistance in B. dorsalis were analyzed and clarified. The results showed that the higher concentration of rutin among the four plant secondary compounds enhanced the resistance of B. dorsalis to trichlorphon significantly, and the overall trend of the greater enhancement degree of resistance was shown in treating more generations. After treated with 0.05% and 0.25% rutin, the resistance multiples in the F1 generation were 198.05 and 172.13, respectively, significantly higher than that of the control (110.61), and the growth rate of resistance was 1.79 and 1.56, respectively. At 0.01%, 0.05%, and 0.25% dose treatments, the resistance multiples of the F2 generation increased from 89.49 in control to 137.20, 146.38, and 171.48, respectively, and their growth rates of resistance were 1.53, 1.64, and 1.92, respectively. Under 0.01%, 0.05%, and 0.25% dose, the resistance multiples of F3 generation increased from 61.33 in control to 128.12, 137.23, and 211.36, respectively, and their resistance growth rates increased significantly (2.09, 2.24, and 3.45). Some concentrations of tannic treatments enhanced or reduced the resistance to trichlorphon of B. dorsalis. The growth rate of resistance was 1.60 in F1 generation treated with 0.002%, whereas the growth rates of resistance decreased to 0.68, 0.70, and 0.67, respectively, at F2 generation treated with 0.25%, and F3 generation treated with 0.05%, 0.25%. Quercetin and 2-tridecanone treatments with all test concentrations for three generations had no significant effect on the resistance to trichlorphon of B. dorsalis. The study revealed that some plant secondary compounds could have positive or negative effects on the insecticide resistance of B. dorsalis, and their effects were related to the type, concentration, exposure time, etc, of those compounds.
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