Fitness analysis of Eocanthecona furcellata fed on frozen-treated Tenebrio molitor pupae
中文关键词:  叉角厉蝽  黄粉虫蛹  冷冻饲料  营养物质  生命表
英文关键词:Eocanthecona furcellata  Tenebrio molitor pupae  frozen diet  nutritive material  life table
苑金戈,周子杰,羊展,刘桥,刘怀,李亚迎 西南大学植物保护学院长江上游农业生物安全与绿色生产重点实验室重庆400715 
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      叉角厉蝽Eocanthecona furcellata是农林业重要的天敌昆虫,其替代饲料黄粉虫蛹在饲养中常出现蛹期较短、蛹量过剩的问题。为提升黄粉虫蛹的利用效率,本文探究了-18℃冷冻蛹作为叉角厉蝽饲料可行性,测定了不同冷冻时间处理(1~180 d)后其营养成分的变化,通过计算营养摄入量与种群生命表构建,评价冷冻蛹作为替代饲料与黄粉虫幼虫和活蛹的繁育效果。结果发现,-18℃冷冻30 d以上会显著降低黄粉虫蛹的蛋白质和脂肪含量。取食冷冻蛹的叉角厉蝽种群,除成虫前期显著延长外,其余生物学指标与取食活蛹条件下无显著差异;与取食幼虫的种群相比,其净生殖率R0(94.60头)、周限增长率λ(1.1111 d^-1)和内禀增长率r(0.1053 d^-1)更高。研究表明经-18℃冷冻7~14 d的黄粉虫蛹仍具有较高的营养价值,叉角厉蝽对其有较好的摄食和繁殖适应性,适度冷冻储存黄粉虫蛹可以用于叉角厉蝽的替代猎物。研究结果为叉角厉蝽的规模化和标准化繁育提供理论依据。
      Eocanthecona furcellata is a crucial natural enemy insect in agricultural and forestry systems. Its alternative prey for mass rearing, Tenebrio molitor pupae, were produced in surplus with a short storage time. To optimize the utilization of this alternative prey, this study investigated the feasibility of using frozen T. molitor pupae at -18℃ as a food source for E. furcellata. The study assessed the nutrient composition after various freezing treatment periods, calculated the nutrient intake of E. furcellata, and analyzed life table parameters in comparison to those fed with live larvae and pupae of T. molitor. Results indicated that freezing T. molitor pupae at -18℃ for more than 30 d significantly reduced the protein and fat content. E. furcellata population fed on frozen pupae did not show significant differences compared to those fed on live larvae and pupae, except for a longer preadult period. Populations fed on frozen pupae had a higher net reproductive rate R0 (94.60 offspring), intrinsic rate of increase λ (1.1111 d^-1), and finite rate of increase r (0.1053 d^-1) compared to those fed on T. molitor larvae, and slightly lower than those fed on live pupae. In conclusion, T. molitor pupae frozen at -18℃ for 7~14 days maintained their high nutritional value. When fed on frozen-treated pupae, E. furcellata populations exhibited excellent feeding capacity and reproductive adaptability. Therefore, T. molitor pupae frozen under appropriate conditions could be beneficial for rearing E. furcellata. This study provides foundational knowledge for the mass production and standardized rearing of the natural enemy insect E. furcellata.
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