Effects of high temperature stress on parasitoid wasps and their adaptation mechanisms
中文关键词:  寄生蜂  高温胁迫  生物防治  响应机制  全球变暖
英文关键词:Parasitoid wasps  high temperature stress  biological control  response mechanism  global warming
刘州艳,严珍,罗贞宝,唐良德,臧连生 1. 贵州大学绿色农药全国重点实验室/绿色农药与农业生物工程教育部重点实验室贵阳 5500252.中国医学科学院北京协和医学院药用植物研究所云南分所/云南省南药可持续利用研究重点实验室云南景洪 6661003. 贵州省烟草公司毕节市公司贵州毕节 551799 
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      Insects, including parasitoid wasps, as a group of poikilotherm, are highly susceptible to high-temperature stress. Parasitoid wasps are the most commonly used natural enemy insects in the field of , in which Trichogramma spp. have been widely used in China for the control of lepidopteran pests in agroforestry. The study of effects of high temperature stress on parasitoid wasps can provide an important theoretical basis for biological control of agricultural and forestry pests in the context of global warming. Here we provide a systematic review on the life activities of parasitoid wasps affected by high temperature stress and the response mechanism of parasitoid wasps. Finally, we also look forward to the problems and challenges of high temperature as an ecological factor in the future large-scale rearing and application of parasitoid wasps, with a view to playing a more important role in biological control in agricultural production.
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