Transfer of heavy metals along phytophagous insects-natural enemies and their effects on pest biological control in agroecosystems
中文关键词:  环境污染  重金属  上行效应  非生物因子  害虫生物防治
英文关键词:Environmental pollution  heavy metals  bottom-up effects  abiotic factor  pest biological control
王杰,黄赫曦,朱正阳,王甦,李元喜,邸宁 1. 南京农业大学植物保护学院昆虫学系南京 2100952. 北京市农林科学院植物保护研究所北京 1000973. 农业农村部天敌昆虫重点实验室北京 100122 
摘要点击次数: 1709
全文下载次数: 353
      Heavy metal contamination in farmland is one of the important environmental problems facing global agriculture. Heavy metals are absorbed by plants, taken in, and accumulated by herbivorous insects, then affected the growth, reproduction, and behavior of natural enemies by bottom-up effects, seriously threatening the efficiency of pest biological control. In this review, the effects of heavy metal transferring along herbivorous insects on natural enemies in farmland ecosystem were systematically summarized, and the direct and indirect effects of heavy metal pollution on pest biological control were expounded. Heavy metal generally leads to negative effects such as delayed growth and development, reduced fecundity, and reduced predation of natural enemies, which directly affects the efficiency of pest biological control. In the meaning time, heavy metal also led to the emergence of poison excitement effect and the enhancement of resistance ability of pests, indirectly increasing the difficulty of pest control. In view of the current research situation, this paper summarizes and looks forward to the deficiency of the research on the influence of heavy metal pollution on natural enemy insects and biological control, and provides reference for the study of natural enemy insects under environmental heavy metal stress and the formulation of pest biological control strategies in heavy metal polluted areas.
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