Predation of Eocanthecona furcellata to larvae of Bombyx mori
投稿时间:2024-01-11  修订日期:2024-09-13
中文关键词:  叉角厉蝽  家蚕  捕食作用
英文关键词:Eocanthecona furcellata Wolff  Bombyx mori  Predation
倪婧 云南省农业科学院蚕桑蜜蜂研究所 云南省红河州蒙自市草坝镇蚕科所
李波 云南省农业科学院蚕桑蜜蜂研究所 
李玲利 云南省农业科学院蚕桑蜜蜂研究所 
谢道燕 云南省农业科学院蚕桑蜜蜂研究所 
张永红 云南省农业科学院蚕桑蜜蜂研究所 
杨振国 云南省农业科学院蚕桑蜜蜂研究所 
白兴荣* 云南省农业科学院蚕桑蜜蜂研究所 云南省红河州蒙自市草坝镇蚕科所
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      目前叉角厉蝽规模化人工饲养主要以鳞翅目害虫斜纹夜蛾、草地贪夜蛾等为食料,但以害虫为食料饲养,在叉角厉蝽商品化包装、远距离带食料运输至释放地时,难免增加田间释放时害虫迁移入侵、扩散危害的风险。本文将家蚕幼虫作为叉角厉蝽各发育阶段的食料,具体探究叉角厉蝽各虫态对2~4龄期家蚕幼虫的捕食行为、捕食功能、搜寻效应,结果表明各虫态叉角厉蝽能够以单头捕食或集体围猎的方式攻击家蚕幼虫并成功捕食,捕食量随家蚕幼虫密度增加而增大,当猎物密度达到一定时,捕食量趋于稳定饱和;捕食功能反应符合Holling II圆盘方程,叉角厉蝽捕食能力与虫龄呈正相关,2龄叉角厉蝽对2龄家蚕幼虫最大日捕食量为24.042头;叉角厉蝽成虫捕食能力最强,对2、3、4龄家蚕幼虫最大日捕食量分别为42.1553头、18.5510头、20.5951头;搜寻效应与猎物密度呈负相关,在猎物龄期和密度相同时,高龄叉角厉蝽的搜寻效应普遍大于低龄叉角厉蝽,且各虫态叉角厉蝽捕食低龄家蚕幼虫的搜寻效应大于捕食高龄家蚕幼虫。总之,叉角厉蝽能够取食利用家蚕幼虫,不仅为规模化饲养提供较安全的营养食料,大大提高在田间释放的安全性,也为拓展家蚕的多元化资源利用提供新思路。
      Currently, the primary diet for large-scale artificial feeding of Eocanthecona furcellata consists of Lepidoptera pests such as Spodoptera litura and Spodoptera frugiperda. However, when Eocanthecona furcellata are fed on these pests, there is an inevitable increase in the risk of insect migration, invasion, and spread during its release in the field after being packaged and transported over long distances with food. In this study, we specifically investigate the predation behavior, predation function, and search effect of Eocanthecona furcellata on silkworm larvae aged 2-4 by using silkworm larvae as food at each developmental stage. The results demonstrate that these species can attack silkworm larvae through single predation or collective hunting, with predation amount increasing as larval density increases. Once prey density reaches a certain level, predation tends to stabilize and saturate. The observed predation function aligns with the Holling II disk equation while showing a positive correlation between predatory ability and instar. The maximum daily predation rate for second instar larvae was 24.042 individuals; for second, third, and fourth instar larvae it was 42.1553 head, 18.5510 head, 20.5951head individuals respectively. The search effect showed a negative correlation with prey density: when prey age and density were equal, the older Eocanthecona furcellata generally exhibited greater search effectiveness than younger ones, and different species of Eocanthecona furcellata displayed higher search effectiveness for young silkworm larvae compared to older silkworm larvae.In conclusion,the ability to feed on and utilize silkworm larvae not only provides a relatively safe nutritional source for large-scale breeding but also significantly enhances safety during field releases.Furthermore,it offers new possibilities for expanding diversified resource utilization from silkworms.
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