Bark and ambrosia beetle pest on sweetgum tree in China
中文关键词:  枫香  小蠹亚科  形态特征  蛀虫  害虫
英文关键词:Liquidambar formosana  Scolytinae  morphological characteristics  wood borer  pest
基金项目:珠海进出口公共技术服务平台产学研协同创新计划(IETP202001002);海关总署科研项目(2020HK145);上海市自然科学基金(19ZR1451300);USDA Forest Service cooperative agreement(19-DG11083150-036)
林伟,赖盛昌,殷汉雄,廖松华,高磊,徐淼锋,李猷 1. 拱北海关技术中心广东珠海 5190012. 江西农业大学农学院南昌 3300453. 珠海市香洲正方物业管理有限公司广东珠海 5190014. 江西省赣州市寻乌县应急管理局江西赣州 3422005. 上海市园林科学规划研究院上海 2002326. 福建农林大学植物保护学院福建省植物病毒学重点实验室福州 350002 
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      为了掌握危害枫香树 Liquidambar formosana 的小蠹种类及其危害情况,采用踏查和木段诱集两种方法于2016-2020年对我国枫香树有分布的11个代表省份或地区进行了系统调查。共调查鉴定危害枫香树的小蠹种类共18属34种,增加了地区分布新记录16种,其中对枫香造成严重危害的1种,造成中度危害的有3种,对上述4种危害健康枫香树植株的小蠹形态特征和危害情况等进行了介绍并提供相关图片供读者参考。
      Several bark and ambrosia beetles (Coleoptera: Scolytinae) cause damages on Chinese sweetgum tree Liquidambar formosana in recent years. The systematic investigation was carried out by field survey and log trap in eleven representative provinces or regions of Liquidambar formosana natural distribution in China from 2016 to 2020. A total of 34 species in 18 genera of Scolytinae were investigated and identified. There were 16 species of Scolytinae were first recorded in surveyed areas. Among them, one species caused serious damage and three species caused moderate damage. The features and damages of those four Scolytinae pest were described, and pictures were provided as references for audiences.
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