Occurrence and phylogenetic analysis of deformed wing virus in Apis cerana and Aethina tumida
中文关键词:  蜜蜂残翅病毒  中华蜜蜂  蜂箱奇露尾甲  进化特征  共同感染
英文关键词:Deformed wing virus  Apis cerana  Aethina tumida  phylogenetic analysis  co-infection
张丽娜,邓炎春,侯春生 1. 中国农业科学院蜜蜂研究所北京 1001932. 中国农业科学院研究生院北京 100081 
摘要点击次数: 3373
全文下载次数: 831
      蜜蜂残翅病毒(Deformed wing virus, DWV)广泛存在于我国规模化养殖的蜂群中,具有明显的季节流行特征。近年来,DWV不断向野生授粉昆虫及其它昆虫传播,包括蜜蜂新的寄生性病害蜂箱奇露尾甲Aethina tumida。前期本实验室已鉴定来源于中华蜜蜂Apis cerana与意大利蜜蜂Apis mellifera的蜂箱奇露尾甲均感染了蜜蜂病毒,但未调查来源于同一群的蜜蜂与蜂箱奇露尾甲是否感染了同一病毒,且在进化上有无差异。本研究调查了来源于同一群的中蜂及蜂箱奇露尾甲感染病毒情况,发现只感染了蜜蜂残翅病毒A型(DWV-A),未发现其它病毒。对DWV-A的3个片段进化分析表明,虽然DWV-A同时感染了中华蜜蜂和蜂箱奇露尾甲,但是VP3基因在不同的寄主中呈现明显不同的亲缘关系。这一结果为蜜蜂残翅病毒在蜜蜂及寄生病害中的进化提供了数据,为进一步研究病毒在不同寄主间的传播与进化奠定了基础。
      Deformed wing virus(DWV)is prevalence widely in managed honey bee colonies with an apparently seasonal characterization in China. Recently, DWV was expanding to wild bee species and other insects including an emerging parasite of honey bee, Aethina tumida .Our previous studies had showed that A. tumida from Apis mellifera and Apis cerana had been infected by several honey bee viruses but we did not investigate the difference in phylogeny of one virus infected simultaneously bees and A. tumida. Here, we examined the occurrence of honey bee viruses in A. tumida and A. cerana , and found that although DWV-A infected simultaneously A. tumida and A. cerana, phylogenetic analysis of VP3 showed DWV-A was difference in phylogeny in different hosts. This study provided the evidences that DWV might employ the different strategy in different host during evolution.
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