Study on the community structure of nocturnal aerial insects in Southern Hainan Province
中文关键词:  南繁基地  探照灯诱虫器  昆虫群落  迁飞
英文关键词:Hainan National Breeding and Multiplication Base (HNBMB)  vertical search light tarp  species structure  insect migration
周先涌,赵胜园,闫冉,肖日新,吴孔明 1. 福建农林大学植物保护学院福州 3500022. 中国农业科学院植物保护研究所植物病虫害生物学国家重点实验室北京 1001933. 海南润达现代农业集团股份有限公司海南陵水 570125 
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      Hainan National Breeding and Multiplication Base (HNBMB) in Southern Hainan Province is an important platform for Chinaese crop breeding innovation in winter season. In order to clarify community structure of insect species there, we set up a vertical search light for collecting flying insect samples from 2017 to 2018. A total of 396 species of insects, belonging to 307 genera, 88 families, 13 orders, were found, including important migratory pests such as armyworm, cotton bollworm, rice planthopper, rice leaf roller and other migratory natural enemies such as Cyrtorhinus lividipennis and Harmonia axyridis Lepidoptera (206 species, 52.02%), Hemiptera (85 species, 21.46%) and Coleoptera (57 species, 14.39%) were three main dominant orders. These results indicated the insect species and their structure, and supplying a basis for guiding the population monitoring, control and prevention of crop pests.
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