Genetic diversity of geographic populations of Apis cerana ceranaestimated by mitochondrial COⅡgene sequences
中文关键词:  中华蜜蜂  线粒体COⅡ  地理种群  遗传多样性  遗传分化
英文关键词:Apis cerana cerana  mtDNA COⅡ  geographic population  genetic diversity  genetic differentiation
刘振国1,吉挺1*,沈芳1,梁勤2,罗岳雄3 (1. 扬州大学动物科学与技术学院江苏扬州2250092. 福建农林大学蜂学院福州 3500023. 广东昆虫研究所广州 510260) 
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      To investigate the level of genetic diversity and genetic differentiation among different populations and within populations of Apis cerana cerana in China, partial sequences of mtDNA COⅡgene in 20 geographic populations from China were sequenced and analyzed. The result showed 16 variable sites and 18 haplotypes were observed in the sequence of mtDNA COⅡ. The average number of nucleotide divergence (K) of COⅡwere 0.939. Inter-population Nucleotide Divergence (Dxy) of COⅡwas ranged from 0.1% to 0.965%. Inter-population Net Nucleotide Divergence (Da) in COⅡwas ranged from -0.007% to 0.781%. The overall Fst value was 0.4978, which indicated the genetic variation was extremely significant within populations (P< 0.001). These results indicated that the haplotype diversity was relative abundance, the Dxy was very different. There was significant divergence among 20 A.cerana populations.
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