王珊珊,欧克芳,夏文胜,张宏宇,2012,武汉市湿地公园昆虫群落多样性及季节动态研究[J].环境昆虫学报,34(3):265-276 |
武汉市湿地公园昆虫群落多样性及季节动态研究 |
Study on insect community diversity and seasonal dynamic of garden wetlands in Wuhan city |
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1674-0858.2012.03.01 |
中文关键词: 园林湿地 湿地昆虫 群落多样性 相似性聚类分析 |
英文关键词:garden wetland wetland insect community diversity similarity clustering analysis |
基金项目:武汉市建委资助课题(武建[2008]92号);武汉市园林科学研究所项目(武园[2008]17号) |
摘要点击次数: 3923 |
全文下载次数: 65 |
中文摘要: |
本文系统调查了武汉市解放公园和月湖公园人工湿地区不同季节、不同植物类群昆虫群落多样性,共采集昆虫标本7 313头,隶属于13目、81科、198种。群落特征研究结果显示9月为昆虫多样性最高的月份,Shannon-Wiener指数分别为解放公园47949,月湖公园44611;昆虫群落的季节变化情况是温度升高,多样性指数升高,但温度过高会抑制昆虫多样性;不同植物种类间昆虫多样性差别很大,种类极不相似,昆虫群落多样性最高的植物群落是千屈菜。 |
英文摘要: |
Systematic investigtion of Jiefang Park and Yuehu Park,s insect community among different phyto-groups had been proceed during diverse months.Totally 7 313 samples were collected and classified under 13 orders, 81 families and 198 species.The result of insect community characteristic study showed that September had the highest Shannon-Wiener diversity index in both Jiefang(4.7949) and Yuehu(4.4611) Park.The insect community index was increasing after temperature rised, but suppressed in high temperature months.Different phyto-groups had distinct insect species.Lythrum salicaria Linn.region has the highest community diversity index in both two parks. |
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