Study on the attractiveness of common flowering shrubs in Guangzhou to natural enemies of insect pests
中文关键词:  花灌木  寄生蜂  瓢虫  食蚜蝇  褐蛉  生物防治
英文关键词:Flowering shrubs  parasitic wasps  ladybugs  hoverflies  brown lacewings  biological control
徐树兰,孙龙华,郑锡荣,邓嘉茹,毕可可 广州市林业和园林科学研究院/广州市生态园林科技协同创新中心广州 510405 
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全文下载次数: 48
      蜜粉源植物是保育型生物防治的重要组成部分,对园林害虫的生物防治具有重要的意义。为筛选广州地区对天敌昆虫成虫具有补充营养作用的花灌木,本研究采用花枝下悬挂黄板诱集的方法,对广州地区常见的24种花灌木花期诱集到的天敌种类和数量进行了调查,并对诱集到的天敌数量与对照进行差异性分析。结果显示,24种花灌木诱集到的天敌昆虫主要有寄生蜂、瓢虫、食蚜蝇、褐蛉。t-检验分析发现,白花假连翘Duranta erecta 'Alba'为寄生蜂嗜食补充营养的花灌木,石斑木Rhaphiolepis indica、桃金娘Rhodomyrtus tomentosa为寄生蜂喜食补充营养的花灌木,鸭嘴花Justicia adhatoda可以为寄生蜂补充营养;红粉扑花Calliandra tergemina var. emarginata、鸭嘴花、穗花牡荆Vitex agnus-castus为瓢虫嗜食补充营养的花灌木,桃金娘可以为瓢虫补充营养;黄钟花Tecoma stans、野牡丹Melastoma candidum为食蚜蝇嗜食补充营养的花灌木;白花假连翘、金英Galphimia gracilis为食蚜蝇喜食补充营养的花灌木。白花假连翘为褐蛉嗜食补充营养的花灌木,桃金娘可以为褐蛉补充营养。本研究结果表明,早春开花的鸭嘴花,夏季开花的桃金娘、穗花牡荆以及几乎全年都有花的白花假连翘对天敌昆虫成虫具有较强的补充营养引诱作用,可作为蜜粉源植物应用于广州园林害虫的保育型生物防治。
      Nectar and pollen plants are important components of conservation biological control and play a significant role in the biological control of garden pests. To screen the flowering shrubs that providing extra nutrition to the adults of natural enemies in Guangzhou, yellow sticky boards were hung under the flower shoots to investigate the species and number of natural enemies of insect pests of the 24 common flowering shrubs in Guangzhou. The statistical significance of difference was analyzed between the number of natural enemy at flowering shrubs and the control plant with Student's t-test. The results showed that the natural enemies of insect pests were parasitic wasps, ladybugs, hoverflies and brown lacewings attracted in the flowering shrubs. The Student's t-test analysis found that different flowering shrubs had different attractiveness on natural enemies of insect pests. Parasitic wasps visited Justicia adhatoda, but preferred Rhaphiolepis indica and Rhodomyrtus tomentosa. Duranta erecta 'Alba' was the most favorite flowering shrub of parasitic wasps. Ladybugs visited R. tomentosa. Calliandra tergemina var. emarginata, J. adhatoda and Vitex agnus-castus were the most favorite flowering shrub of ladybugs. Hoverflies preferred D. erecta 'Alba' and Galphimia gracilis. Tecoma stans and Melastoma candidum were the most favorite flowering shrubs of hoverflies. Brown lacewings visited R. tomentosa, but D. erecta 'Alba' was the most favorite flowering shrub of brown lacewings. The conclusion was that J. adhatoda, which blooms in early spring, R. tomentosa and V. negundo, which bloom in summer, and D. erecta 'Alba', which blooms almost all the year round, can attract natural enemies of insect pests strongly. They can be used as nectar and pollen plants in the conservation biological control of garden pests in Guangzhou.
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