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Transcriptome analysis of Br-SG in pupal stage of Bombyx mori at high and low temperature Undetermined
Repellent and insecticidal activity of Gardenia jasminoides essential oil against Zeugodacus cucurbitae adults Undetermined
The Running Pattern of Longitudinal Veins at Wingbase of Mayflies (Insecta: Ephemeroptera) Undetermined
Improvement of quarantine techniques for detecting early-stage of Callosobruchus maculatus Fabricius Undetermined
Biotype distribution and infection status of Tomato yellow leaf curl virus in whitefly in Hebei Undetermined
The Study on the Pathogenicity Differences of Pine Wood Nematodes from Different Population Groups in North and South China on Three Species of Larch in Northeast China Undetermined
The pathogenicity difference of Metarhizium rileyi MDXZ200803 and SLSY200714 to the larvae of Spodoptera frugiperda Undetermined
Effects of sublethal concentrations chlorfenapyr on growth, development and enzyme activity of Tuta absoluta Undetermined
Effect of combining modified atmosphere with nitrogen and deoxidizer on the survival of Ephestia elutella Undetermined
Effect of low-temperature stress on the content of cold-resistant substances in Tuta absoluta Undetermined
Determination of metal elements in feces of Periplaneta americana by inductively coupled plasma emission spectrometry Undetermined
Composition and diversity of flower visiting insects of 10 invasive herbaceous plants in Fuzhou Undetermined
Predation of Eocanthecona furcellata to larvae of Bombyx mori Undetermined
Effects of bifenthrin on the survival, physiology and gut microbiota in honeybees (Apis mellifera L.) Undetermined
Population dynamics of important noctuidae pests in Nanyang City from 2021-2023 Undetermined
Karyotype analysis and mitotic process observation of somatic cells in Trichogramma dendrolimi Undetermined
In this experiment, a total of 18 insecticides were selected to assess the virulence of field-collected Frankliniella intonsa of alfalfa. The combined virulence of thiamethoxam 21 % SC and 17 other insecticides was evaluated using co-toxicity factor and co-toxicity coefficient. Subsequently, the combination exhibiting relatively preferable synergis Undetermined
Evaluation on the application effect of Hyphantria cunea sex pheromone domestic lure and intelligent monitoring equipment Undetermined
Microscopic observations on the infestation of Spodoptera frugiperda by Metarhizium rileyi CDTLJ1 Undetermined
Habitat suitability evaluation of black bees in Xinjiang based on optimized MaxEnt model Undetermined